Divine counterparts (Soulmates & Twin flames) go through almost the same type of connecting process in order to come to union.

The energy of soulmates is a relationship similar to a garden. When you plant the seed, nourish it and allow it to grow by working on yourself.
When you first meet up. The energy goes into a higher vibration frequency that actually nourishes your soul, the same way adding water is to your garden.
The key here is to love yourself and meditate on the love you’re feeling with that person. Correcting anything that needs to be eliminated out of your life. This allows you both to manifest and blossom your energy connection deeper.
They have a unique connection to one another and no Soul Connection is exactly alike. They may be similar to one another. But all are unique and the intensity varies.

Are Soulmates and/or twin flame connections honest with one another?
Honesty is the best policy, that is my philosophy on life. Especially with your divine soulmate. When there is one that is in denial or running from something. They can block the truth that is in their heart. Thinking that this will be better for both of them. But actually it was the fear that they were running from that caused energy of dishonesty.
The answer is they may not want to but sometimes it does happen. It doesn’t mean that they are less connected to you. They are just convincing themselves instead of looking at the truth that’s in their heart, another reason why they run from their true authentic self.

Divine soulmates go through heartache and negativity trying to find themselves more than any other type of love relationship.
There are many different cases and types of soul connections, but they all share one thing in common and that’s working on themselves to find harmony and peace with themselves in order to come to a divine union.
Remember working on yourself takes time.
Many times both soul connections are not ready but the ego tells them that they are. Causing conflict and a lot of drama in their relationship.
They both need to examine and humble themselves to each another in order to get along and come to a peaceful understanding with each other.
How can two people that love each other so much, go through so much pain and negativity? This is very common and I see this all the time with many different types of soulmate Connections.
In many soulmate Connections, the runner and Chase are stages that happen. The Runner usually has masculine energy and is the weaker vessel running from their own fears. And the chaser, the feminine being the stronger vessel.
Please note that it doesn’t matter on your gender to be a runner or a chaser. I also was a twin flames runner in my soul journey. You can read more also watch my video on YouTube.
I also have more articles on my blog, about runner and chaser stages that you may get a better understanding of if you are involved in one.
There are negative and positive sides with every soul connection. So when there is any type of conflict actually it’s considered healthy. This makes them acknowledge their mistakes which usually comes from the ego.
It also triggers their energy to look deeper inside themselves to find their authentic self. And at the same time getting more in touch with spirituality and appreciating the little things in their lives to come to a higher vibrational 5D level.
Can soulmates and twin flames share personal thoughts?
Yes! When we are connected as one, we can spiritually feel, and sometimes smell their scent when we are in tune with each other’s vibrations.
Telepathic communication is very common with twin flames and they can complete each other’s sentences at the same time send each other messages without even trying to.
This takes time to develop but in the end they can feel one another’s thoughts, energies and pick up strong vibrations from their other half.
The first step to heal and connect with your Soulmate is loving yourself. But also take care of yourself.
Letting go of any internal thoughts that may be negative or grudges helps with finding your true center. Getting healthy and avoiding processed and fast foods.
Getting better with your food choices and illuminating anything with bad habits and maybe a time if you were smoking to quit. Or start getting into some more exercise. We can all find ways to get creative with working out.
I highly recommend walking, it requires very little effort and you can do it anywhere.
Enjoying the outdoors and loving every season, even if it is spring weather all the way into winter, you can find beauty in every season.
Love lives inside of you and it’s time to embrace everything who you are inside and allow the energies with your soulmate to manifest.
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