Twin flames energy healing

This involves intense energy during their healing process.
Sometimes the healing it is so painful and unbearable that they try to cut the cords and disconnect. This makes it impossible due to the fact that Twin flames need to work on themselves in order to find peace and unity with one another.
This journey involves healing and sometimes it can be a very slow but important part of the journey. It’s all about healing one another in order to move in the right direction. The work needs to be done individually, and both twins must work on themselves simultaneously together in order to find peace inside themselves.

The soul is mirroring each other.
This is a sign that you both are moving forward in your spiritual regimen. It includes working on yourself with self-care, daily affirmations, motivation, meditation, and raising your vibration. It’s advisable to update your vision board.
Putting out positivity and creating intentions for the future, will help with working on yourselves along with your twin’s healing.
You may be struggling through a separation or difficulties with connecting on the same level with your twin. This is all part of the process that needs to be done in order to release and surrender this unity with one another. The number one lesson to be learned is patience and letting go of ego.

How to speed up the healing process?
Twin flames heal when they find love inside themselves. This all happens when they release the anger, emotional hurt, and fears that they are carrying around. There are also other energies that they need to let go of, we called this cleaning the clutter.
First Twin flames must be aware of their mistakes, by understanding them, and sometimes cannot be done when they are with each other.

During the separation process.
They cannot completely disconnect but they can work on themselves simultaneously to help each other.
Twin flames can pick up each other’s pain and energies. Twin flames are also the mirror to each other as they can see the reflection of themselves in each other’s eyes. This can also trigger off fear-based energies, causing them to run from their own inner truths.
Signs of twin flame healing.
Twin flames sometimes detach themselves creating the Runner and Chaser stages.
Runners start to sort through the differences with themselves and this can create anxiety, fear, and blockage. Their ego can create almost a narcissist behavior; but they are not true narcissists. However, as a release and surrender, their egos protect themselves and it is part of the process.

When one twin opens to the truth, the other one will follow, causing a Runner and Chaser stage.
This is only temporary until they find their inner peace inside themselves.
Twin flames run only because of the anger they have inside themselves, failing to love themselves and give up the issues that they hold deep inside.
They may also feel abandoned from the relationship as they realize that something is missing, these are common reasons for Twin flame runners.
There’s no real way to speed up the process except for working on yourself and keeping yourself uplifted during the separation phase.
Twin flames often see different signs telling them that union is near, such as numbers, feathers, names and billboards, dreams, songs, and feelings that they are with their twin in spirit.

The best way to understand this science is to meditate and getting more in tune with your own spirituality.
Finding inner peace will help you find your strength and following your intuition when it comes to letting go of past emotional insecurities.
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