Twin flame : Runner/Chaser – Coming into Divine Union

Twin flame Runner & Chaser stages can happen with all divine counterparts.

The Runner & Chaser stages can happen with all divine counterparts. Twin flames dynamics involves extreme energy surges prior to the union. As with all divine partners, they can all mimic Twin flames. With Twin flames, they require that both twins be ready. As they start to merge as one, they’re working on themselves with eliminating everything that they’ve accumulated all of their lives. Life lessons they must learn. If they’re angry with themselves, it has to do with abandonment issues, anger, and fear-based energy from their past. They carry past old wounds as sometimes they have not been healed, and this can create a huge conflict when they are entering into a union. They need to first come to our ascension energetically, weakening their souls with each other, in order for them to merge together as one into a higher frequency, which is the 5D level. Twin flame separation? It's very painful. As they feel that everything is lost, this is when they are the most triggered.  They are detaching from one another to work on themselves.There can be negative and harsh words said to each other, many times out of fear. When Twin flames are separated, they feel severe emotional pain. As their spirit is compelled to each other, it’s a process of understanding as they navigate their energy together prior to the union. Can they cut cords? They will try to cut the cords and disconnect, but it will only hurt them even more as they find it impossible to disconnect.   It’s better to cope with the phases versus trying to cut it off. There’s really no exact timing on how long the separation will last. No one can actually predict when they will finally come together as they both need to work on themselves.   When you start working on your life lessons, the sooner the union will begin. As your Twin starts to feel your energy, you automatically send a signal that everything is OK. It can take several years before they finally find the union. I know this is very hard to hear but very true. It all depends on how much work you need to do on yourself to get past your life lessons and help your twin to ascension. How do I work on myself? The first step is love yourself, I know it sounds really simple but so true that many people don’t know how to love themselves. When you start to really love yourself, you automatically trigger sparks that your Twin will automatically feel.  Twin flames cannot enter into a union.When Twin flames are constantly debating and arguing and it will prolong the union. This is why we talk about separating in order to work on themselves separately so that they can find their true spiritual path. How do I know this is a true Twin? For one, if you have to convince or ask yourself this question, chances are this is not your person or divine counterpart.When you do meet your Twin flame, you will instantly feel something change inside you and your life will never be the same. We are sent several different types of Soul connections to help us grow and evolve spiritually. Not everybody is going to meet their Twin flame, or Twin Ray.But it is “Your person” and who you were meant to share your life with. This can come from any of the Soul Connection Collective.Often referred to your Soulmates, Twin flame, Twin Ray or eternal Soul connection.The runner is running from their own truth.When you first meet your Twin flame.  It will feel as if you were looking into a soul mirror of yourself.It may be scary at first and you may feel like you’re on your honeymoon when you are with them. As they start to come together, they realize that they are facing their authentic true self. Does a Twin flame return? You will always miss your Twin flame and look for them when they are apart from you, and many times trying to find ways to either speed the process or cut the ties.  The stages are not about cutting off or speeding the process but eliminating what is necessary in order to come to the union. If your Twin has narcissist behavior, this is often triggered by emotional fear and abandonment issues. Twin flames work towards ascension and awakening. As they come into alignment with the higher selves, they find themselves feeling more alive and awake and then ever. When one awakens before the other. As I mentioned, Love is the key, meditation is also another key factor in order to connect Twin flames to their higher selves. Healing and feeling love is the first step when they begin to awaken.Ego plays a big part in triggering off negativity and emotions bringing up internal conflicts. Raising your vibration is part of the reciprocation with their energies uniting.It’s all about letting go of all past wounds, meditation, love, and self-care. This will help with the transition of coming into the Union.

Twin flame dynamics involves extreme energy surges prior to the union.
As with all divine partners, they can all mimic Twin flames.

With Twin flames, they require that both twins be ready. As they start to merge as one. They’re working on themselves with eliminating everything that they’ve accumulated all of their lives.
Life lessons they must learn.

If they’re angry with themselves, it has to do with abandonment issues, anger, and fear-based energy from their past.

They carry past old wounds as sometimes they have not been healed. This can create a huge conflict when they are entering into a union.

They need to first come to our ascension energetically, weakening their souls with each other, in order for them to merge together as one into a higher frequency, which is the 5D level.

The Runner & Chaser stages can happen with all divine counterparts. Twin flames dynamics involves extreme energy surges prior to the union. As with all divine partners, they can all mimic Twin flames. With Twin flames, they require that both twins be ready. As they start to merge as one, they’re working on themselves with eliminating everything that they’ve accumulated all of their lives. Life lessons they must learn. If they’re angry with themselves, it has to do with abandonment issues, anger, and fear-based energy from their past. They carry past old wounds as sometimes they have not been healed, and this can create a huge conflict when they are entering into a union. They need to first come to our ascension energetically, weakening their souls with each other, in order for them to merge together as one into a higher frequency, which is the 5D level. Twin flame separation? It's very painful. As they feel that everything is lost, this is when they are the most triggered.  They are detaching from one another to work on themselves.There can be negative and harsh words said to each other, many times out of fear. When Twin flames are separated, they feel severe emotional pain. As their spirit is compelled to each other, it’s a process of understanding as they navigate their energy together prior to the union. Can they cut cords? They will try to cut the cords and disconnect, but it will only hurt them even more as they find it impossible to disconnect.   It’s better to cope with the phases versus trying to cut it off. There’s really no exact timing on how long the separation will last. No one can actually predict when they will finally come together as they both need to work on themselves.   When you start working on your life lessons, the sooner the union will begin. As your Twin starts to feel your energy, you automatically send a signal that everything is OK. It can take several years before they finally find the union. I know this is very hard to hear but very true. It all depends on how much work you need to do on yourself to get past your life lessons and help your twin to ascension. How do I work on myself? The first step is love yourself, I know it sounds really simple but so true that many people don’t know how to love themselves. When you start to really love yourself, you automatically trigger sparks that your Twin will automatically feel.  Twin flames cannot enter into a union.When Twin flames are constantly debating and arguing and it will prolong the union. This is why we talk about separating in order to work on themselves separately so that they can find their true spiritual path. How do I know this is a true Twin? For one, if you have to convince or ask yourself this question, chances are this is not your person or divine counterpart.When you do meet your Twin flame, you will instantly feel something change inside you and your life will never be the same. We are sent several different types of Soul connections to help us grow and evolve spiritually. Not everybody is going to meet their Twin flame, or Twin Ray.But it is “Your person” and who you were meant to share your life with. This can come from any of the Soul Connection Collective.Often referred to your Soulmates, Twin flame, Twin Ray or eternal Soul connection.The runner is running from their own truth.When you first meet your Twin flame.  It will feel as if you were looking into a soul mirror of yourself.It may be scary at first and you may feel like you’re on your honeymoon when you are with them. As they start to come together, they realize that they are facing their authentic true self. Does a Twin flame return? You will always miss your Twin flame and look for them when they are apart from you, and many times trying to find ways to either speed the process or cut the ties.  The stages are not about cutting off or speeding the process but eliminating what is necessary in order to come to the union. If your Twin has narcissist behavior, this is often triggered by emotional fear and abandonment issues. Twin flames work towards ascension and awakening. As they come into alignment with the higher selves, they find themselves feeling more alive and awake and then ever. When one awakens before the other. As I mentioned, Love is the key, meditation is also another key factor in order to connect Twin flames to their higher selves. Healing and feeling love is the first step when they begin to awaken.Ego plays a big part in triggering off negativity and emotions bringing up internal conflicts. Raising your vibration is part of the reciprocation with their energies uniting.It’s all about letting go of all past wounds, meditation, love, and self-care. This will help with the transition of coming into the Union.

Twin flame separation?

It’s very painful. As they feel that everything is lost, this is when they are the most triggered. 
They are detaching from one another to work on themselves.There can be negative and harsh words said to each other, many times out of fear.

When Twin flames are separated, they feel severe emotional pain. As their spirit is compelled to each other, it’s a process of understanding as they navigate their energy together prior to the union.

The Twin flame process requires separation prior to the union. Divine counterparts include Soulmates and Twin flames. The separation process is very necessary in order for the union to take place. Because of the release and surrendering, they are unable to be together as they work on themselves. We share many different types of Soulmate connections in our lifetimes. All are very unique and go through various processes in order for us to find our divine counterpart. Twin flames are very unique because they mirror the Soul of one another. You only have only one true Twin flame. Many times, Karmics flames may seem like the Twin flame. But they help grow and get you on your way to finding your divine counterpart. When you’re with a Karmic, there’s no way of finding out if a person is in fact your Twin or Karmic. The best way to tell is when you find your true Twin, only then your Karmic will be completely out of your heart. Twin flames are coming to a perfect alignment when they are together. But they must first examine and release ego along with negativities in order to emerge as one. Both lives will change at 360 degrees and will never be the same when you meet your divine counterpart. They will examine their souls completely and release old past wounds, any emotional conflict that triggers anger, sadness, pain, and negativity from their past. This is also the primary reason why the separation process is necessary in order to release these energies as they need to find one another with purity. When Twin flames get together, it isn’t really easy to let go of these issues. There will be an intense amount of energy and emotional feelings that get in the way. This is because of ego and other factors that can create chaos and causing Twin flames to disagree and unable to live in harmony until they are both ready. Separation with Twin flames experience chaos and drama. This can be a separation that may last a few weeks but also may go up to 20 years. It’s best not to put any type of timing on when and how Twin flames come together, simply because the amount of work they must do on themselves is different from others. Twin flame & divine partners challenges are a mystery. There can be intense pain, hurt, and feeling of rejection. They can change overnight once the union happens and they forget any type of negativity they experience while in separation. The separation for many can be extremely difficult, but you can never sever ties or disconnect completely. They will need to purge through and start over again in their lives. Let it go and releasing to start and seeing a new chapter opens the door for Twin flame divine union. The awakening happens! When Twin flames finally can see one another energetically, they can see their higher selves and release ego and any blocks that may have hindered their union. Twin flames continue to search and seek one another. It can create a lot of emotional energy when the ego gets in the way. This is when separation is necessary for them to examine themselves and find their true authentic selves. When they are finally joined with their higher-self, they are able to activate the energy that bonds Twin flames together as one. This will help them understand one another to fill their true destiny with each other. Twin flames are not only about getting together and live happily ever life, it’s actually more than that. Being together is one of the perks but they are actually meant for more for the greater good in the World. They become a superpower couple! This is a very intense and beautiful experience for the divine Soulmate counterparts. So it may be very challenging at the beginning. It actually turns into living a higher frequency into the fifth dimension. Most Twin flames are not able to accept that they need to release their ego. This is a simple fact why it is Ego. The ego doesn’t want to hear they are wrong, nor that they will accept that they need to change something. This can build up a barrier and blockage from them coming into the union when they need to. This is the main reason why the union is usually followed by a separation period. When they finally work on themselves, the ego automatically is released and they heal properly, facing their own traumatic emotions and humbling their energies ready for divine union. Twin flames are continuously reciprocating telepathic communication to each other, but need to be more balanced and in tune with spirituality before they can intercept the messages. If you are in separation from your Twin or divine counterpart, I’m offering one free question

Can they cut cords?

They will try to cut the cords and disconnect. But it will only hurt them even more as they find it impossible to disconnect.  

It’s better to cope with the phases versus trying to cut it off. There’s really no exact timing on how long the separation will last. No one can actually predict when they will finally come together as they both need to work on themselves. 

When you start working on your life lessons, the sooner the union will begin. As your Twin starts to feel your energy, you automatically send a signal that everything is OK.

It can take several years before they finally find the union. I know this is very hard to hear but very true. It all depends on how much work you need to do on yourself to get past your life lessons. This will help your twin to ascension.

How to bring in love and prosperous energy for 2020

How do I work on myself?

The first step is love yourself. I know it sounds really simple but so true that many people don’t know how to love themselves. When you start to really love yourself, you automatically trigger sparks that your Twin will automatically feel. 

Twin flames cannot enter into a union.When Twin flames are constantly debating and arguing and it will prolong the union.

This is why we talk about separating in order to work on themselves separately so that they can find their true spiritual path.

Lunar eclipse full moon creates an incredible impact on divine counterparts (Soulmates & Twin flames). Every full moon is unique and has an effect on everyone. On July 4th 2020, there will be a thunder or full moon eclipse in Capricorn. This will create a very powerful effect that can be felt three days prior and three days after the full moon eclipse. As we are in the astrological sign of Cancer, and the full moon eclipse is in Capricorn, it will automatically create an extra sensitivity to emotional energy. With a combination of five Planets in retrograde, your senses also will be heightened and in need of changes and new beginnings. Divine counterparts will have a stronger sentimental streak with past energies and become more sensitive and emotionally vulnerable when it comes to their feelings. The Sun sign Cancer is very spiritual and this is an excellent time for meditating and setting positive intentions. The full moon lunar eclipse creates balance and the need to be grounded. As many of you know, full moons will have an effect on your energy, being heightened when it comes to loved ones. Be very cautious when you are communicating with people you care about and love. They may sometimes affect you emotionally, but you may see something that you did, not realizing that it offended them. Be very mindful of your words. Also, you can feel very sensitive and it’s best not to take anything personally. During this time with the Celestial events happening, it will have a strong impact on all Soulmates, Twin flames and divine counterparts. Many issues will be brought out in the open. So keep in mind that this influence of the full moon eclipse can create some disagreements. When you say something, try to say it with love and keep it right to the point. Many have called it the "Soulmate/Twin flame thunder moon”. Because of the energy and the effects it has on divine counterparts, there is an energy being brought out to the surface. Be prepared, as your love relationship can be affected by this full moon. It can create emotional upheaval and disagreement that can create a break in the relationship. For divine partners who are separated, reconciling is very high during retrogrades and especially with a full moon eclipse. It doesn’t matter if you are able to see it where you live, the energy will be in the Atmosphere. Eclipses also help with releasing and purging emotional negativities. This can also bring closure and restitution to find peace in your relationship. We’ve been seeing many shifts with divine partners over the last month and be prepared for the Lion's Gateway opening for love is this month, helping them reach 5D as they examine themselves. Reflecting on everything from their past, this is a time to release the ego and dominance. They are humbling themselves within their spirit by letting go of anything that affects them emotionally. There are also other types of relationships that can be impacted. It does not have to be only romantic but with people in general. The moon rules over emotions. Your emotions can be skyrocketed to the extreme, that you may feel centered. The lunar eclipse is the best time for working out unresolved issues, even if it has pain associated. There are many relationships that will benefit from expressing their truth. Eclipses are extreme emotional surges. Sometimes you may be triggered very easily and all past wounds can resurface. Remember that this is a time, if they came up it’s time to let them go and find inner strength by releasing the ego. That may be preventing you from evolving in your relationship. This is an excellent time to connect with your heart center, by spiritually tuning to your inner voice. You will be able to hear the messages that are being given to you. This is a very intense and spiritual lunar eclipse. Many times. the energy can linger on for a month. We are still recovering from the previous one. Eclipse season has been an emotional roller coaster. The psychic energy is heightened, this is the best time to give or get a reading. A perfect time for energy clearing, Reiki, Crystal cleansing, and meditation.

How do I know this is a true Twin?

For one, if you have to convince or ask yourself this question. Chances are this is not your person or divine counterpart.

When you do meet your Twin flame. You will instantly feel something change inside you and your life will never be the same.

We are sent several different types of Soul connections to help us grow and evolve spiritually.
Not everybody is going to meet their Twin flame, or Twin Ray. But it is “Your person” and who you were meant to share your life with.

This can come from any of the Soul Connection Collective. Often referred to your Soulmates, Twin flame, Twin Ray or eternal Soul connection. The runner is running from their own truth.When you first meet your Twin flame. 

It will feel as if you were looking into a soul mirror of yourself. It may be scary at first and you may feel like you’re on your honeymoon when you are with them.

As they start to come together, they realize that they are facing their authentic true self.

The Runner & Chaser stages can happen with all divine counterparts. Twin flames dynamics involves extreme energy surges prior to the union. As with all divine partners, they can all mimic Twin flames. With Twin flames, they require that both twins be ready. As they start to merge as one, they’re working on themselves with eliminating everything that they’ve accumulated all of their lives. Life lessons they must learn. If they’re angry with themselves, it has to do with abandonment issues, anger, and fear-based energy from their past. They carry past old wounds as sometimes they have not been healed, and this can create a huge conflict when they are entering into a union. They need to first come to our ascension energetically, weakening their souls with each other, in order for them to merge together as one into a higher frequency, which is the 5D level. Twin flame separation? It's very painful. As they feel that everything is lost, this is when they are the most triggered.  They are detaching from one another to work on themselves.There can be negative and harsh words said to each other, many times out of fear. When Twin flames are separated, they feel severe emotional pain. As their spirit is compelled to each other, it’s a process of understanding as they navigate their energy together prior to the union. Can they cut cords? They will try to cut the cords and disconnect, but it will only hurt them even more as they find it impossible to disconnect.   It’s better to cope with the phases versus trying to cut it off. There’s really no exact timing on how long the separation will last. No one can actually predict when they will finally come together as they both need to work on themselves.   When you start working on your life lessons, the sooner the union will begin. As your Twin starts to feel your energy, you automatically send a signal that everything is OK. It can take several years before they finally find the union. I know this is very hard to hear but very true. It all depends on how much work you need to do on yourself to get past your life lessons and help your twin to ascension. How do I work on myself? The first step is love yourself, I know it sounds really simple but so true that many people don’t know how to love themselves. When you start to really love yourself, you automatically trigger sparks that your Twin will automatically feel.  Twin flames cannot enter into a union.When Twin flames are constantly debating and arguing and it will prolong the union. This is why we talk about separating in order to work on themselves separately so that they can find their true spiritual path. How do I know this is a true Twin? For one, if you have to convince or ask yourself this question, chances are this is not your person or divine counterpart.When you do meet your Twin flame, you will instantly feel something change inside you and your life will never be the same. We are sent several different types of Soul connections to help us grow and evolve spiritually. Not everybody is going to meet their Twin flame, or Twin Ray.But it is “Your person” and who you were meant to share your life with. This can come from any of the Soul Connection Collective.Often referred to your Soulmates, Twin flame, Twin Ray or eternal Soul connection.The runner is running from their own truth.When you first meet your Twin flame.  It will feel as if you were looking into a soul mirror of yourself.It may be scary at first and you may feel like you’re on your honeymoon when you are with them. As they start to come together, they realize that they are facing their authentic true self. Does a Twin flame return? You will always miss your Twin flame and look for them when they are apart from you, and many times trying to find ways to either speed the process or cut the ties.  The stages are not about cutting off or speeding the process but eliminating what is necessary in order to come to the union. If your Twin has narcissist behavior, this is often triggered by emotional fear and abandonment issues. Twin flames work towards ascension and awakening. As they come into alignment with the higher selves, they find themselves feeling more alive and awake and then ever. When one awakens before the other. As I mentioned, Love is the key, meditation is also another key factor in order to connect Twin flames to their higher selves. Healing and feeling love is the first step when they begin to awaken.Ego plays a big part in triggering off negativity and emotions bringing up internal conflicts. Raising your vibration is part of the reciprocation with their energies uniting.It’s all about letting go of all past wounds, meditation, love, and self-care. This will help with the transition of coming into the Union.

Does a Twin flame return?

You will always miss your Twin flame and look for them when they are apart from you. Many times trying to find ways to either speed the process or cut the ties.

The stages are not about cutting off or speeding the process. But eliminating what is necessary in order to come to the union.
If your Twin has narcissist behavior, this is often triggered by emotional fear and abandonment issues.

The Runner & Chaser stages can happen with all divine counterparts. Twin flames dynamics involves extreme energy surges prior to the union. As with all divine partners, they can all mimic Twin flames. With Twin flames, they require that both twins be ready. As they start to merge as one, they’re working on themselves with eliminating everything that they’ve accumulated all of their lives. Life lessons they must learn. If they’re angry with themselves, it has to do with abandonment issues, anger, and fear-based energy from their past. They carry past old wounds as sometimes they have not been healed, and this can create a huge conflict when they are entering into a union. They need to first come to our ascension energetically, weakening their souls with each other, in order for them to merge together as one into a higher frequency, which is the 5D level. Twin flame separation? It's very painful. As they feel that everything is lost, this is when they are the most triggered.  They are detaching from one another to work on themselves.There can be negative and harsh words said to each other, many times out of fear. When Twin flames are separated, they feel severe emotional pain. As their spirit is compelled to each other, it’s a process of understanding as they navigate their energy together prior to the union. Can they cut cords? They will try to cut the cords and disconnect, but it will only hurt them even more as they find it impossible to disconnect.   It’s better to cope with the phases versus trying to cut it off. There’s really no exact timing on how long the separation will last. No one can actually predict when they will finally come together as they both need to work on themselves.  When you start working on your life lessons, the sooner the union will begin. As your Twin starts to feel your energy, you automatically send a signal that everything is OK. It can take several years before they finally find the union. I know this is very hard to hear but very true. It all depends on how much work you need to do on yourself to get past your life lessons and help your twin to ascension. How do I work on myself? The first step is love yourself, I know it sounds really simple but so true that many people don’t know how to love themselves. When you start to really love yourself, you automatically trigger sparks that your Twin will automatically feel.  Twin flames cannot enter into a union.When Twin flames are constantly debating and arguing and it will prolong the union. This is why we talk about separating in order to work on themselves separately so that they can find their true spiritual path. How do I know this is a true Twin? For one, if you have to convince or ask yourself this question, chances are this is not your person or divine counterpart.When you do meet your Twin flame, you will instantly feel something change inside you and your life will never be the same. We are sent several different types of Soul connections to help us grow and evolve spiritually. Not everybody is going to meet their Twin flame, or Twin Ray.But it is “Your person” and who you were meant to share your life with. This can come from any of the Soul Connection Collective.Often referred to your Soulmates, Twin flame, Twin Ray or eternal Soul connection.The runner is running from their own truth.When you first meet your Twin flame.  It will feel as if you were looking into a soul mirror of yourself.It may be scary at first and you may feel like you’re on your honeymoon when you are with them. As they start to come together, they realize that they are facing their authentic true self. Does a Twin flame return? You will always miss your Twin flame and look for them when they are apart from you, and many times trying to find ways to either speed the process or cut the ties. The stages are not about cutting off or speeding the process but eliminating what is necessary in order to come to the union. If your Twin has narcissist behavior, this is often triggered by emotional fear and abandonment issues. Twin flames work towards ascension and awakening. As they come into alignment with the higher selves, they find themselves feeling more alive and awake and then ever. When one awakens before the other. As I mentioned, Love is the key, meditation is also another key factor in order to connect Twin flames to their higher selves. Healing and feeling love is the first step when they begin to awaken.Ego plays a big part in triggering off negativity and emotions bringing up internal conflicts. Raising your vibration is part of the reciprocation with their energies uniting.It’s all about letting go of all past wounds, meditation, love, and self-care. This will help with the transition of coming into the Union.

Twin flames work towards ascension and awakening.

As they come into alignment with the higher selves, they find themselves feeling more alive and awake and then ever. When one awakens before the other.
As I mentioned. Love is the key, meditation is also another key factor in order to connect Twin flames to their higher selves.

Healing and feeling love is the first step when they begin to awaken. Ego plays a big part in triggering negativity and emotions bringing up internal conflicts.

Raising your vibration is part of the reciprocation with their energies uniting. It’s all about letting go of all past wounds, meditation, love, and self-care. This will help with the transition of coming into the Union.

If you have a question about your situation, I do offer one free question.

This goes to the new readers and subscribers to my blog.

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