There are many different types of divine counterparts.
Soul Connections sent to us for a reason to help us get through life lessons in each lifetime to find Our Divine Counterpart. We actually choose our lessons before entering incarnation.

Soulmates come in many different types. Each one helps us to grow and learn more about ourselves.
Many times they can create an impact in our lives.
They can be family, friends, and even romantic relationships.
They are brought to us to help us grow and evolve inside ourselves.

Karmic connections
A karmic relationship is when we have unfinished business within ourselves and this karmic connection is actually here to help us release and bring out what is necessary.
Many times those people that we think are life partners, usually turn out negative or even toxic.
It starts off as a relationship that makes sense and then they are going their separate ways.
Many times, they mimic what twin flames would go through but it’s much more extreme with a karmic connection.
Many times your divine partner might be with their karmic, or vice versa; it’s never good to try to find the ideal type of divine Soul mate.
But following what your heart is leading you is the key.
Soulmate companion
These relationships are together for a reason.
They could be someone that helps you learn about yourself and help you find your inner peace.
Companion Soulmates come together even as life partners, this is usually very common when Twin flames are not ready for a union.Companion Soulmates are different from Twin flames, but they are still part of the Soulmates Collective.
Sometimes there is not that extreme energy you would feel with Twin flames.
Companion Soulmates can express love to one another, an almost perfect feeling of love but in the back of your mind, you would always be saying there is something else out there. And this can go on for years

Twin flames or Twin ray
Twin flames always have unfinished business that need to be worked out.
Before they first come into this World they are separate halves of one Soul.
They feel unconditional love for one another (Twin Rays too).Twin flames always have past life issues to resolve before coming into Union.
They love each other with no expectations and no conditions, only pure love.
For better or worse, It can be negative or positive but they always reconnect no matter what. Many times it can be years later
It’s a true gift and blessing to be with your Twin flame? You must first be ready prior to divine union.
How long does it take?
This depends on you. Mainly you have to learn to love yourself first, unconditionally.
Being brave and strong enough to risk loving someone with your heart and soul, but knowing that your heart can be shattered.

Meeting your Twin flame may sound a bit extreme and scary.
But once you meet your Twin, you will get a feeling of peace and knowing.Twin flames hold the same values and life experiences… they are extremely similar.
They may even resemble one another, they have similar life patterns and even situations
It is a 50% chance that you will meet your Twin flame.
This is why it is never a good idea to search and seek for your Twin flame or any ideal divine counterpart that suits you.

Twin rays are just as strong but rarely come into a lifetime.
They usually enter in a lifetime when the Twins playing are preoccupied, either in another love relationship or because of the age difference (Twin can be even a toddler and a senior citizen).
That’s when we usually have absolutely no attachments of negativity between them.
Very similar to Twin flame and a compatible Soulmate combined.
Meeting different divine Soul connections are part of the Life lessons to help us all grow. “You may ask why do I need all these different Soul connections?”
The answer is simple; it’s to help you see your inner truth and open your Soul center to love yourself.
Trying to read which Soul connection or divine partner works best for you will only confuse you and prevent you from exploring new opportunities in relationships. It’s your personal experience with love and romance.

Many times we have to work apart from our Twin flame.
The universe has a divine plan for all Twins coming into Union.
This is a lot to take in, and you may be learning and reading information about these divine counterparts.
I have several blogs containing articles on information with Soulmates, Twin flames, and all love relationships. That may help you understand your situation.
Not everyone you’re connected to is meant to be a life partner.
But they are here to help us grow and evolve spiritually.
If you have questions about your situation, for a limited time I offer one free question.
If you have a question about your Soulmate, Twin flame or romantic person, just fill out the form below and if I’m able to tune in to your situation, I will send you a mini reading by email.