Runner & Chaser phases are something that occurs with most divine partner connections.
This is something that cannot be avoided as divine partners including twin flames reach a divine union.
The union is extreme and it does require that both twin souls be ready for one another. They are merging together as one and as they live their life, they need to eliminate all that has accumulated with excess baggage and negativity.

Twin flames face a series of life lessons.
For example releasing anger, abandonment issues, jealousy, hate, and emotional fear-based energies.Just a few of the old past wounds that they both carry without realizing.
As they become ready, they are both in total partnership with one another to help each other work on themselves simultaneously in order to find themselves back home (Reunion).

When there is a twin flame separation
It is very painful and it seems that everything is lost in life. The connection that they feel can seem to trigger those past wounds I talked about earlier.
Many times your twin will try to detach themselves from their connection. There may be some harsh words denying the fact that there is a connection and/or any love between them two.

The twin flame separation is a very extreme emotional pain.
There is a compelling spiritual reason why it is all happening this way. This is not failure within a relationship, and though it is very painful.
This is a process of understanding and navigating the energy prior to the divine union with your twin flame.
Many people find it to be difficult and try to give up by cutting the cords as I mentioned in a previous article. But it is literally impossible to disconnect from your other half.
Trying to find other ways to cope with this Runner & Chaser phases have been a priority for me and the good news is that it not a permanent phase!

No matter how long it takes, it feels as if it is way too long inside the separation period.
A very common question is how long is the average wait time for twin flames in separation with the Runner & Chaser stages.
Each twin flame relationship needs to go to their own experience and each one is unique. Many will give a timeframe of between 1 to 3 years.
Although that can be true but not necessarily happens for everyone. No one knows the actual time.
Many times there are several years involved, even decades before they do finally find themselves in Union.
I know this is not something we all want to hear but we may have to accept it. This will all depend on how much work they are doing on themselves and how advanced spiritually they are.
When they are constantly fighting and denying the fact that there is a spiritual connection between them both, this may prolong their union, trying to explain the twin flames connection could make it worse.

Often the Runner is the one running from their own inner truth.
When meeting your twin, you’re actually looking at a soul mirror and at first, it may be the honeymoon stages but then it turns into an extreme fear of facing their authentic self.
There are many different life lessons that each will go through and not necessarily all the same. You may not understand why they can’t get it and they won’t understand why they are compelled to an energy that they are afraid of.

Will your twin flame or Soulmate ever come back?
You will no doubt miss your twin and always look for ways on how to either cut ties or speed the process. The whole point of the separation stages is not just coming into a Union to find true bliss. But it is for you both to find your authentic selves. Coming to unity into consciousness awareness.
Twin flames will even go through the separation process even if they are not running. Both twins are actually working on their healing with awakening.
They are bringing themselves into alignment with their higher selves in order to find their true centers as one.

You may wonder why they need to go through separation to find us?
The physical separation is actually motivating them both to work even that much harder to come into a reunion.
The separation stage isn’t always caused by the Runner & Chaser stagesAs they both are healing on themselves individually and simultaneously.
As they are meant to be separated otherwise, they would never be able to tolerate one another physically as a couple just yet.
Many times they are total opposites of one another and their personalities would not be harmonious for that time. This forces twin souls to work that much harder and find their authentic selves. Helping them communicate to their soul exchange telepathically.

Ego or narcissist behavior?
Yes, this can trigger off a lot of emotional pain and sadness. Many times, one twin would be running into a narcissistic pattern and the other one, the Chaser, would be becoming codependent to the situation.
This is when ego is actually the culprit for both twins causing them both to release the mask. You hear that release and surrender is necessary, and so it is. #1 it’s Ego.
It can trigger off negative emotions that may bring up an emotional conflict that will interfere while working on themselves.

Trying to find peace while going through separation stages.
Finding your soul serenity will help you come to peace inside yourself. As you work on yourself, you will realize more that your higher self is trying to help you find eternal peace with yourself.
The same goes for your twin. Although the separation phase feels like it’s taking longer than it should, actually it’s all within divine timing.
Meditation is the Key and raising your vibration will help you to find your soul center as you reciprocate the energy.
Runner & Chaser phases are temporary, it’s all about letting go and self-learning on how to love yourself completely. It is totally worth it in the end!
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