Twin flames are going through major energy shifts.
A universal fear with this Coronavirus has been affecting each and every one of us around the World. I know that it’s not easy. We can give & send each other love and light to get through this.
Disclaimer Just to be clear in this article It’s a physical disease. Follow your country’s guidelines on proper precautions if you have questions. I am not a medical professional or an expert on this virus. I can not diagnose or prescribe treatment.
This article is not mentioning any kind of cure, to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus or giving health advice or psychic predictions about how long will it take to be clear of it.
Since it is our World, no one can predict or estimate the timeframe. This article is strictly about the spiritual energy shifts on how it will affect Twin flames & Soulmates.These words are meant to inspire and heal on your spiritual journey.
The popular question for the divine soul connection collective.
Many have been asking me “how does the Coronavirus pandemic affect Twin flames & Soulmates coming into divine Union?”
The answer is Yes, it can have a huge effect by bringing changes in a relationship with energy shifts which are created internally.
Fear and anxiety can have a very negative effect on our ascension while connecting to our divine soul partner.
This will reciprocate negative emotions and causing them to undo all the work that has been done.
Fear also can bring anxiety, panic, doubts, and fear can lower immunity. This plants negative seeds in our minds that prevent us from connecting with our higher self and our Twin flame.
By reciprocating these feelings, you are sending them the opposite energy of what you tried to send originally. This can affect the soul connection collective, as many of us have worked on themselves to overcome this energy of fear, insecurity, panic, anxiety, irritability and the list goes on…
Especially with something like that, it automatically can wake up all the past wounds that have not completely healed.
Divine counterparts will feel energetic shifts with their Twin flame or Soulmate. There can also be a heightened energy of irritability and scattered feelings with their relationship. The mind can wander and create negative chatter that was not there originally.
So keep in mind what is on the surface may not really be what is going on. There also be many spiritual signs as they start to realize what is truly important. This can be a double-edged sword for Twin flames who are in separation.
The good news is that they can awake during the process.
In order for the union to manifest, they must first release their pain and negativity, as they open themselves to their inner truth.
Twin flames & Soulmates feel the energetic shifts during this time. If they are in a union or awaiting for a union, there is a feeling of uncertainty and fear that they need one another to complete themselves as one.
There are several energy shifts that amplify the emotions with these divine counterparts.
As they both work on themselves during this time, it’s important to keep your vibration up.
Meditation is highly recommended along with physical activity. This isn’t an easy time for any of us.
Positive affirmations
It’s hard not to watch the news and listen to the updates on what is going on. Keep in mind that this can also induce fear.
This is a soul mission between yourself and your other half.
Things happen for a reason; it helps humbling yourself and releasing negativity that no longer serve a purpose.
This will automatically reciprocate to your divine counterpart so that they can come back for a complete alignment in order for a divine union to complete.
Releasing fear-based energies and ego can help you work on yourself and cope with all the spiritual shifts that you may be feeling.
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The Twin flame connection is extreme and very powerful.
But after a while, the energy seems to have a shift and it feels almost toxic, associated with drama. The spiritual bond is very powerful and no other connection can feel as intense. This does not change. However, when there is work that needs to be done, the energy can become very drastic and full of drama. Many would call it toxic for twin flames, but it’s what they have accumulated from within that creates the toxic feeling.
This also can have the same effect with certain types of Soulmates as well; many soulmates do mimic the Twin flame energy.
The Twin flame has a spiritual magnetic pulling energy that makes it almost impossible to resist. They can both feel the energy on a 5D level.
This can be scary for many people as you only know this person for a few moments of your life and they actually tune in to the essence of your Soul. The intense strength of Twin flames is so powerful that it can stir up emotions, many times not very positive.
When they have wounds and/or karmic past ties, they all have to be corrected, which leads to a lot of emotional purging and clearing of their Soul. This can be extreme as severe.
When there is one who isn’t awake and the other can see the blockages that they need to move forward.
This can create the Runner & Chaser phases. Internal conflict from their soul makes it impossible to be with one another while they are in a correction phase.
Until they correct and release, it can feel like a nightmare for many. Remember that this is only temporary and nothing will disconnect a Twin flame connection.
Runners & Chasers can be reversed, but they are both running from themselves and the energy itself.
Unfortunately, this can go on for many years which creates anxiety, negativity and a feeling of toxic energy!
But it’s not actually a toxic connection, it’s just what they have accumulated and need to release in order to come together into a divine union.
Twin flames will always feel the presence of their other half near them. Nothing, as I mentioned, will disconnect them, even if they are with other relationships, far away in other countries or completely distant and shunned from each other.
Twin flames will somehow find themselves back together. Twin flames have a powerful bond. It is beautiful but it can be a very intensely painful experience.
So why would anybody want this?
It’s not something we can choose or decide, this is a soul mission and they are sent with each other in this life and others to correct and empower one another, doing the greater good for humanity.
The experience is extreme and intense, they always find each other and find the love that they once shared.
Many ask how to cut or sever the ties because of the intensity.
But there is no way to disconnect or separate, it would only make things worse, in the long run, trying to deny the connection.
Trying to nudge or bring it back when they are not ready will feel like a toxic shock, as they both need to work on themselves a little deeper.
Everyone’s situation is unique and different. There are many reasons why do these types of divine connections go through so much pain and agony trying to be together.
Soulmates and Twin flames are sent together with their destiny as one, along with the goal to work together to find peace and balance inside one body.
Getting past the drama and toxic energy can be a challenge, but if you start recognizing the truth within yourself, you will find it is easier than you thought. Having self-control and patience is the key to love and blossom with Twin Flames.
Many times, the ego can’t take control and be apart from your other half and can actually create a drama of pain any emotional conflict.
Soulmates and Twin flames have a deeper understanding of each other spiritually; more than they realize. Once they open their eyes, they can see each other for who they are and can live in harmony.
When they are going through the separation phases, they may sound like something very magical, “it’s too good to be true”. The energy is continuously trying to work themselves back together in perfect harmony.
What happens when one is not ready?
Even when they are separated. Twin flames continuously need to work on themselves with having love and total gratitude for everything in their lives. It is the only way for the energy to shift and come into a divine union.
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Divine partners including Twin flames and Soulmates involve challenges and obstacles prior to the union.
This is a very intense and confusing topic on why divine Soulmates and Twin flames all go through the union challenges.
Lately, this has been a very popular question. So I just want to give more clarity on what they usually experience prior to the union.
Especially now with the energy shifts that have been happening over the last few months. It has been a very challenging time divine partners, Soulmates and Twin flames
There are many different changes happening with coming into the union. Paying attention to signs and keeping your vibration up is the key.
First, there are many different types within the Soulmate Connection Collective.
Twin flames can be the most difficult. They go through a very crucial time with separation as they release and surrender before they can come into the union.
This is a deep awakening connection when they first meet. Their life is completely changed, and nothing is ever the same prior to their meeting, even when they are together in the physical union.
They may not have released old past wounds, that they randomly may run across, creating the Runner & Chaser stages.
This is where their pain and challenges begin for both Runners & Chasers, experiencing separation with healing along with getting past life lessons and tests.
In order for the divine union to happen, they must first go through purging and letting go of negativity, which is a behavioral pattern.
You may wonder why do they need to have so much pain and suffering if they are so connected?
This is a great question, although something they need to experience it separately before they can live together in harmony.
It is a true mystery, why the challenges involved so much shadow work. But in order for them to spiritually grow and evolve, they must first examine and connect to their higher selves.
Divine partners including Soulmates and Twin flames.
The Soul Connection Collective all experience some type of form of negativity while examining and reflecting on their inner Truth.
Everyone is different and share different connections, it’s almost impossible to detect when and how they will finally come into the union. The first step is self-love.
By releasing and surrendering all the unwanted energies that no longer serve a purpose. They start to understand and begin to have peace inside their heart, allowing their divine to come together.
Surrendering to the love in your heart is being happy with yourself. This will automatically send love to your divine partner.
Amplify emotions when you are with your Twin flame. Twin flames are simultaneously working on themselves by sending each other higher frequency vibes to one another.
Twin flames are a mirror image of themselves.
When your first meet with your Twin flame, you automatically reflect yourself inside them and vice versa. You both can see yourself in their eyes. But whenever there are ego and fear-based energies, it will automatically block the light from shining back towards you.
This is when negative energy while discussing can be brought up and disagreements. This requires work on themselves in order to come to terms and harmony with each other.These issues need to be resolved before they can live together as one.
The reflection is not what you may want to see right now?
This all starts with ego-based and fear energy. Both of you have to be ready in order to work on this relationship. Even if you are ready to dive into a deep committed relationship with your divine partner. you may still have some work to do and them as well.
There is a soul mission between you two in order to find that journey together; it needs to heal and the connection needs to be rejuvenated.
Although divine partners may have differences, they still can work together on their issues in order to balance and heal.
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This is the time we all put out our New Year 2020 resolutions and set positive intentions.
Every year wanting to make a more prosperous and luckier than the previous year. The primary goal is to bring happiness, love and peace for 2020. When you start preparing and planning, this will plant seeds to make your year start right.
Many times it doesn’t always turn out the way you planned and by the next 12/31, wondering how can I bring true love and happiness into your life to last.
The first thing is to focus on having a positive and open mindset for new changes. Stop thinking about the things that happened in the previous year of the challenges and disappointments. This will only linger on and carry out into the new year.
These challenges that you may be facing if it is a relationship, career or healing from a situation. They can be very difficult and painful at the beginning, but remember that this is all part of the process with cleaning the clutter and releasing for a new beginning.
You are faced with stepping stones in order to find balance and healing in order to manifest true love in your life.
This goes for all of the relationships (soulmates and Twin flames) or if you’re searching, love is the goal. Set out the intention of love with an optimistic thought on what you’re looking for when it comes to the future. It’s best to visualize and focus and opening up your dreams. They will become a reality if you put your mind to it!
Doing this will automatically attract positive energy in every aspect of love. Let go and surrender of any previous grudge or hard feelings you had with someone, along with any ego-based energy that may be holding onto excess baggage. This will put a wall up between you and your Soulmate / Twin flame.
Everyone goes through life lessons, this is not just for certain types of Soulmates but everyone experiences the challenges in order to find the divine Soul connection.
When your spirit is feeling emotional pain that is transferring into anxiety. It’s part of a life lesson helping you to find what is in your heart and let go of anything that no longer serves any use in your life. Releasing and letting go is the key to raise your vibration to your higher self.
This raises the loving energy inside your soul center. Attracting positivity and love to be manifested and reciprocated between you and your divine partner. Tips to raise your vibration and bring in good luck to attract positivity for 2020.
Prayers and meditations
At the beginning of any year, it’s always good to start off with praying and saying positive affirmations in the morning.They are so many different affirmations to say, the first one should be saying “I love you” to yourself! Being busy and productive is very important even on January 1st. It doesn’t matter if you work or not on that day, it circulates the energy to be productive throughout the whole year.
Planning 2020
Writing your plans and goals in a journal is highly recommended. Putting all your dreams and desires in writing will help you accomplish what you need in 2020.
Vision boards are extremely helpful. Putting everything that you would love to see you in your life even if it’s a dream or a goal, you’re putting it out there into the Universe for things to manifest and open a new door of love and light in your life.
Clear the Clutter
We all know about cleaning the house and making room for new beginnings. But did you know that this also clears the energy for bringing new happiness and love in your life as well? Stagnant energy blocks positivity.
When you start giving away, donating unwanted things that just collect, you are not only helping someone and the environment but you are also allowing a breath of love to come into your life.
You are attracting your ideal relationship and healing one at the same time.
Cleansing tools
Not only cleaning the house but using sea salt will help you remove negative energy that you accumulated. Debris and dust is stagnant energy and releasing it with a few tablespoons of Himalayan salt and 2 cups of water, you will be washing away anything that is stagnant.
Sage smudge cleansingSage is an excellent way to remove stagnant energy as well, I do this every morning. Not only does it remove negative energy but it also acts as an antibacterial for the air. So you’re actually doing two things at once.
Eating clean and getting exercise.
You may or may not have a goal for 2020 with losing weight but did you know that focusing on healthy eating and getting more activities will also help you attract positivity.
Getting out there and circulating with movement will help you also remove unwanted dysfunctional patterns.
Gaining muscle
Working out and exercise is extremely helpful when it comes to the mind-body and spirit regimen. Your body is a temple and you need to take care of your body because no one else will.
Yes, joining a gym and signing up for group exercises is a great way to start getting a workout in. Also if the weather is clear or a mall nearby you can start by doing some walking and keeping your activity level of high even during the winter months.
Making Little changes for 2020
It doesn’t matter if it’s a little or small change when you start moving things around in your home. Buying a knickknack or something to accent your home, you are attracting a new environment of energy to come into your life.
Write more about yourself
This is something that everyone should do. Seeing all the positive things that you do and stop looking at past negativity by feeling guilty from all the mistakes, you are allowed to. Just let it go and move on, no one is perfect!
Let go of People who are bringing you down. When you allow people to steal your joy and bring your spirit down, you automatically become a victim. It’s time to stand up for who you are and use your energy to make things happen in your life.
It’s time to let go of certain relationships and start over again fresh. There will be new and positive people that will come to you.
Find something that makes you laugh and avoid the drama of negativity from certain situations and people. This is where I love comedies and fantasy shows, which just take me away!
New Year’s foods that bring good luck
Growing up, it was always a tradition to bring lucky food in our house. My mom will always bring ham hocks and lima beans, along with greens of all kinds. She would also have ribs with sauerkraut.
Pork is symbolic of good luck and prosperity. Beans are also very lucky as well. I make a big pot of bean soup with 15 different types of beans. There are many different cultures and countries that have different traditions.
Fermented foods like sauerkraut and Kimche represent getting rich. Also, red or green cabbages are another lucky vegetable.
Greens like kale, mustard, spinach, and collard greens promote finances and represent money and prosperity. We also see cornbread muffins in many new year’s tables.
My husband’s French traditions are grapes or raisins. On December 31st at 12 AM, each raisin will symbolize every month in 2020. Make a wish with each of the 12 grapes. In different cultures, they say that food in the shape of a ring brings good fortune.
Donuts and cakes of all kinds bring in good luck. Also different types of nuts.
There are many different types of traditions but the main thing is not to feel sad during the stroke of 12 am. It’s important to feel extremely happy and excited. As you see people from around the world celebrating.
The psychic energy is extremely high on January 1st, people around the World visit or call psychics for a new year forecast. It helps with bringing in the energy right and knowing what to expect at the very beginning of the year.
The energy on New Year’s Day is at a higher vibrational level, more than any other day of the year. The month of January is a very spiritual month. Keeping your purses, wallets, and pockets with cash will also help bring in the luck of money and prosperity in your life for the whole year.
Make a resolution and try to stick to it. If it’s a fitness or health goal, try to make a list before the end of January.
Write down your positive affirmations for 2020 and say it at 12 am or the first thing in the morning when you wake up. Happy 2020!
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Thanksgiving at our house was always an amazing experience!
My Holiday table 2018
Thanksgiving morning was exciting
My sisters and I would be so excited to watch the Macy’s day parade in New York City. I am still excited to this day! The smell of mom’s turkey, pumpkin pie and must not forget our traditional stuff cabbage with pork and rice.
Thanksgiving has and still is treasured and most celebrated holiday in my family. The Thanks giving dinner table was my dad talking about how we all need to be thankful and grateful for our blessings. Even when it’s not Thanksgiving.
At the time we were all so young, we did not really understand it but I always valued the energy for Thanksgiving.
My mom and dad wanted us to understand what the true meaning is and not to look at the presence or the commercialized energy of the holidays. But giving thanks 365 days out of the year. I’m really thankful for my upbringing.
So growing up, we all knew that the holidays are the time to be grateful and to focus on the love in our hearts.
Like many of us, we are all taught this way, but as time goes on, the commercialized side of things comes through and we all start to see other things as being more important.
As many of us love to go Black Friday Christmas or holiday shopping, we can get caught up with the stress that associates with it.
Who can get the better deal on a 4K or all LED TV, laptops, iPhones, toys and many other things that we see and wants for our family? Actually back in the 70s and 80s, Black Friday did not exist. So things were So different.
As the Retail and online competition grew, we now see stores open on Thanks giving day! This really takes everyone away from the dinner table and racing to a superstore to grab something on sale. It’ is very sad.
Sure there’s nothing wrong with catching a good back Friday sales, but this is the time we all need to spend with our families and loved ones.
Not unless you take the whole family for a good after Thanks giving dinner walk at the mall! That’s actually better for their health and yours as well.
Holiday stress:
This is when it all starts. Causing us to lose true values. But with Thanks giving, it is the time for teaching our families, the same as we were taught. This is the time that we all should be Universal in every country and start bringing gratitude back into our homes. Remembering the holiday even if you don’t celebrate in your country, it’s a good time to express gratitude and being thankful. Getting caught up with the seasonal energy is easy, but you can have memorable moments, filled with love and joy, sharing everything with gratitude. Thanks giving is a time to start traditions and make them memorable for generations to come. This is a good time to start volunteering for work and helping those who are in need this Thanksgiving.
Expressing gratitude:
Sharing gratitude with others will help you focus on positivity and love. Pushing away anything negative and not thinking about anything that has happened.
Many times we are faced with differences with family members, spouses (Soulmate and Twin flames included).
This is not the time to give any type of negativity power. But a time to forgive in your heart, even if you are not speaking with loved ones, forgiving with love and keeping them in your prayers and thoughts. It’s a good idea to keep a journal with gratitude and sending positive quotes on social media platforms.
This just only reminds us of what we feel in your heart and inspire others at the same time.
Thanking God and giving all the gratitude from your heart to those around you. It’s not just about religion but about the positive energy you feel and allowing it to spread with joy.
Counting all your blessings.
Even if sometimes you just don’t feel you have anything in your life, or not enough, this is the time to dig deep and if you are feeling down, pick yourself up and lift your vibration.
You’ll be surprised by how many blessings you see in front of you and how thankful you truly are in your heart.
Say positive affirmations:
Saying positive affirmations every morning will help you find your true center. It will help align your soul energy so that you can get on with your day and it will get easier each day.
Even if you’re not feeling positive, this happens to everyone. We are only human and you are your own soul coach. You have to find that beautiful higher self and dig deep for the love in your heart.
This is something very powerful and this helps you to connect to your higher self and God. With meditation, you can surrender and release anything that is off-balance and start aligning yourself to your true center.
Healthy living:
I’m a strong advocate when it comes to my body and spirit. Fitness is one of the things that I practice on a daily basis. Keeping myself moving is important to staying not only young but being healthy.
Circulation and moving are important as we get older and it’s easy to get lazy during this time of the year, so maybe and after dinner, a walk with the family is not a bad idea! Or plan for a family outing like going on a nature hike.
Being healthy is my priority, eating as clean as possible, staying away from fast foods however I do love Chick-fil-A and Chipotle (north American chain restaurants).
This is all part of the mind-body and spirit, keeping these things intact, celebrate you and find the love in your heart! I wish you all a healthy and happy Thanks giving!
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Full Moon in Taurus brings intense energy for divine partners.
The full Moon on November 12th, 2019 brings emotional energy, especially for love relationships including Soulmates and Twin flames.
The full Moon will be in Taurus, as we are still in Mercury retrograde and the Sun in Taurus. The energy brings intensity to our spirit. As we approach the holidays, you may be feeling a little more tense than usual.
With the full Moon in Taurus, it can be a very spiritual time that will bring a higher vibration, getting you into a higher level of consciousness.
Under this influence, we are able to connect to a higher dimension and reach our higher selves. Taurus is ruled by Venus and the planet that governs love, peace, beauty and harmony (especially material items), career and money.
The Full moon in Taurus will be associated with personal changes and letting go of all things.
Making it an inner reflection of ourselves. A great time to endure prior to the new year 2020. The Holidays are approaching us very soon, and though many of us love them, it’s a time to embrace celebration.
You may not feel a big transition at this time. But you are preparing for the new year 2020, focusing on making things better than the prior year.
Those going through love relationship challenges (divine partners including Soulmates, Twin flames, Karmic connections) will especially feel it during the full Moon and throughout Mercury retrograde.
The full moon in Taurus makes a spiritual impact on Soulmates & Twin flames
Both negative and positive, if there is a love relationship that is in trouble or separation, Mercury retrograde can bring them back together. Also, Soulmate relationships that have been at a standstill will find peace with inside themselves.
This full Moon will be targeting Soulmates and Twin flames, along with spiritual love connections. Every month there is a full Moon. They all represent different energies and ways to affect us.
But because the full Moon is in Taurus and we still have Mercury in retrograde, it will bring extreme emotions to all of us. The energy has been extreme for the past few months for Soulmate and Twin flame connections.
We have to know how to use it to our highest good.
Allowing it to work for ourselves and knowing how to release toxic and negative energies.
This will help utilize the powerful energy that’s within the full Moon as it prepares us for new beginnings and changes.
Full Moons are helping us release energy, where the new Moon is actually helping us set the intention and plant new seeds of light. The full Moon in Taurus can bring a magnetic energy shift to the Soulmates collective.
This creates an ascension that can bring Twin flames into a total union. Keep in mind that everyone is going to find a divine union together.
There is a Spiritual process with us that must be with cleared and decluttered of past old wounds.
Allowing them to be released while opening up the energy for changes in love. The full Moon in Taurus will help us find ourselves to be more grounded and open our inner truth when it comes to Twin flames and Soulmates.
The Scorpio influence is very intense as (I’m also a Scorpio). It will bring out intense passionate energy for all love relationships. As it can trigger off and push buttons for many of us.
This is an ideal time to meditate, get or give a psychic reading and charge your crystals. You can start by putting your crystals out in the moonlight and also in the sunlight.
November is a very magical and beautiful month with gratitude.
Thanksgiving 2019 is in a few weeks. As we prepare for the holiday season, If you celebrate or not, this is the time to embrace the true beauty of who you are and prepare for a fabulous and amazing new year 2020 approaching us.
Remember gratitude is universal and we can all celebrate, being thankful for our blessings. It’s a wonderful time with the full Moon for attracting and tapping into abundance in love.
Taurus represents love and beauty, now is also an excellent time for self-care. Make an appointment for a Self-care day that is totally devoted to you.
If it’s just doing nothing and sitting at home or planning a spa day, shopping, going out with friends and family.
This is a day dedicated to you. You deserve this!
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Twin flame connection, they share an intense bond that can’t be broken.
We do have more than one soulmate, that many will mimic the energy of a twin flame.
But once you meet your twin, your life can make that 360 degrees change. You wonder and ask “is this a blessing or a curse?”
As I explain more about detaching from this divine soul connection, I will be mentioning more about twin flames since I’m asked questions on a daily basis about this topic.
Both soulmates and twin flames go through the same energetic release and surrender with coming into a divine union. If this is a true twin flame connection then this is a part of your soul journey.
The universe will not allow you to completely disconnect.
As many of you know, we do have free will when we make our decisions. As this is so, it would be very difficult energetically to turn away from your twin.
Only to find that eventually, something will bring you both back together.Many have tried to walk away and cut ties and chords, only to find that it makes the process that much harder and complicated, creating more pain than working through the process.
You will continuously get signs and visions, as both of you are being shown that the energy is compelling you two even stronger.
The Universe will bring you both, slowly into Union.
Regardless of your or their current situation. When there are other people involved, sometimes it can get very complicated, especially when there are families involved. This happens every day and can’t be explained.
Many who meet their twin flame or divine soulmate may not be ready for a union. As they both work on themselves, this can take time. As they release and purge negativity, this can create anxiety.
We all have ego. And when we’re hurt or rejected in any ways, we automatically create a protective mechanism.
Protecting ourselves from any emotional pain. This is the biggest part with soulmates and twin flames coming into Union. They must first release the ego and face their fear.
I’m always asked these questions with all Soulmate connections:
How to let go of my twin flame? Is there anything to cut the ties? But the actual questions are not being revealed. I’m really being asked:
How to release and stop the pain from my twin?
How do I stop feeling them?
Can I separate from my twin flame?
Twin flames repair just as soulmates are connected in this life. We have planned this reincarnation energetically together. We are sent here to work on ourselves in this life for the union.
As we are both on this earth together. Everything seems to not go as planned.
There’s work to be done and born in different cultures, countries, age differences, families and obligations, makes it extremely difficult to come into union.
This is the main reason why we are faced with these challenges and tests in life. Many times, we are not ready to meet our twin flame and are sent to someone who can give us equal love and compassion as if we were with our other half.
Instead of trying to figure out and look for answers of why we are sent to someone that doesn’t know us or can give us the same love we have for them.
Look at the bigger picture, why you both are not in union.
Is there something in your life that’s hindering you from reaching your higher self? As I’ve mentioned ego is the biggest factor here when it comes to union with you’re a divine partner.
I know when I mention this to people who are going through the process and feeling the pain with separation, they get very defensive and try to convince me that they put a lot of work on themselves and are ready. The fact is that, yes, they have found themselves spirituality, both souls must be ready to come into Union (actually they’re trying to convince themselves).
Trying to let go of your twin flame.
Sounds easier than it is. If your mind is convinced, many times you cannot automatically feel a sense of relief from the separation. A sign appears and automatically is triggered off, they feel and sent back to where they were originally, many times with more pain.
Whatever the situation may be, trying to detach is never the solution. But working on getting past the ego and the 3-D circumstances when they are not in alignment with your highest path and purpose in life.
Twin flames are on this soul journey together. One cannot disconnect while the other is still working. This creates the teeter-totter experience and automatically creates more drama and toxic energy that they feel and reciprocate.
Working on yourself along with spirituality and mediation are the key.
If you can’t let go, it best to find ways to get past the pain. trying to look at the bigger picture of the situation.
There is a reason of why things happening this way. It will be shown and revealed to you when you are ready.
Chances are when you are awakening, they will awaken at the same time.This happens quite often, especially during spiritual and energetic events in our atmosphere.
A divine union can happen at any time, sometimes longer than other times, but the main thing is never to compare your situation with others. Go with the flow and find your soul center.
Let go and surrender, leave it to God and focus on your higher self.
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Lions gate portal begins on 7/26 and again will peek on 8/8 – 8/12. It happens every year.
This year will bring intense energies that will amplify awakenings and energy shifts.
Lions gate portal is when the Sun and Sirius are synchronized together, creating a supercharged energy frequency.
This creates a very deep and energetic level beneath the 3-D awareness. Changes happen with divine partners with connecting them to a higher frequency to 5D.
This creates a higher consciousness awareness to reveal deeper intuitive and psychic abilities.
This also can trigger our souls center, along with activating the energy deep in our soul core while purging out old past wounds and deep emotions.
This opens and the Sun is in the sign of Leo, coming together with the star Sirius and forming an energy surge close to earth into a full alignment.
This will have an effect on everyone emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Be prepared that the energy vibrations will automatically heighten all areas of your life.
It has a special effect on divine partners including Soulmates and especially Twin flames.
The intense energy shifts from the Lions gate portal will help release toxic and negative energy.
With the Lions gate activation, this will help divine partners who are separated to find themselves and see their inner truth, by opening their heart center. Promoting divine union and reconciliation.
It’s a healing time for many, especially for those who are highly sensitive and empathic.
It’s important to be gentle on yourself and not to look at the negativity that has accumulated from others.
Physical pain (joints muscles and ligaments) can also be felt during this time, also in different parts of the body.
It’s important to be very gentle especially when it comes to vigorous exercise and activities.
Self-care and taking it easy for the next month is highly recommended.
Psychic awareness and abilities are intensified during Lions gateway.
You may be seeing more signs, visions, having strange dreams and even nightmares.
The Lions gateway is on the 8/8/2019. It’s also a very sensitive time to the sunlight. When you go out, try to wear sunglasses and a hat to avoid headaches.
You will be noticing that you are more sensitive to others, especially want to comes to love relationships. Try not to have any deep discussions and avoid arguments.
Soulmates and Twin flames can feel this higher energy vibration shift. This is an ideal time to meditate and retrieve messages that come to you spiritually.
This is the ideal time to work on yourself and reflect on any changes you need to make. Releasing unwanted old patterns and manifesting into a positive transformation of your higher self.
The surge of light emanating to bring new beginnings and new awareness that opens up to our inner truth. Many will call this time “they have seen the light”.
The energy between the Sun and Sirius will radiate an extremely powerful and high vibration, deep inside our souls center.
Opening up new opportunities for possibilities that have not been imagined.
Accept changes to happen, while allowing the universe to work with you to transform these intense energy shifts to bring positive new beginnings.
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Summer Solstice is a time we celebrate the first day of Summer in the Northern hemisphere on June 21st, 2019. In the Southern hemisphere, it is the first day of Winter Solstice.
The two seasons are the opposite of one another, but both can equally bring the same spiritual energy with love.
This is the longest day of the year as many of us now and the shortest night. We honor the light as it starts to decrease and decline to dark.
None of us want to talk about Winter is coming, because our summer seems to go by super fast!
The Summer Solstice is a time for love and light.
It is one of the best days for love and romance, as we see many weddings during the month of June. This being one of the most celebrated months for love ceremonies of the whole year.
The energy brings in the light that automatically will ignite spiritual soul love as well.
This represents a beautiful golden ball of love and light bringing in peace and growth with the celebration in all love relationships.
The Sun sends a ray of light with love as it brings balance energy of total opposites into harmony.
The energy of the Sun absorbs and charges while manifesting your hearts desires. This is also an excellent time to cleanse and charge your crystals, along with giving and receiving any type of spiritual activity (reiki, crystal healing’s, psychic readings and meditations)
This is the day for the soul energy to be ignited in love as it is being drawn to the divine union for Twin Flames.
This first happens energetically and with an ascension, before union through the physical can reunite as one. There is an intensity of energy that is reciprocated.
During the this time you may be feeling a higher intensity of energy coming from your divine soul partner. A wonderful time to appreciate the little things while having gratitude for the blessings in your life.
This is the time we all need to start focusing on positive thoughts and putting our creative ideas to work. Also staying away from drama and toxic energy from anything or anyone that can bring your vibration down.
This is a very spiritual and sacred time of the year. It’s the one day that universal gifts are very powerful for love.
This is the day wishes can come true as they are manifested.
The Winter Solstice also has a very similar effect, as this represents a new sun is beginning. Another very exciting time.
As with all seasons, it’s a time for a transition to a new climate change and Summer though it’s exciting, it is also representing letting go of the past in order to make room for the new.
The Sun’s energy is all about expansion and extreme power. This is the best time to eliminate anything that does not serve a purpose or brings your spiritual power down.
This is the time to take control of the love inside yourself with self-care and put away any negative thoughts.
This is the time for setting positive intentions for new beginnings.
Just as you release negative old wounds and behavior patterns. Your spirit will be open to welcoming new beginnings and changes.
The Solstice’s energy is to help you bring back the strength and power into your soul center.
Staying active during this time it is very important. As you circulate the physical body energies, you also purge away toxins and negativity that have been accumulated over the winter. When your internal body is clear, you automatically extinguish a beautiful bright light all around you.
Summer Solstice is not only a time for reuniting Twin flames & Soulmates, but it is also a beautiful time for people who are single to meet that special someone.
There are many spiritual rituals are done during the Summer Solstice. Whatever your celebration calls for, celebrate with love. The most important thing to remember is loving yourself.
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The Awakening process with Twin flames (also Soulmates).
A Divine union is the ultimate goal for Soulmates and Twin flames. Before the Union can take place, there is a process.
It is a soul journey that can involve meeting many different types of karmic connections that can be associated with toxic and chaotic energy.
Some call this a false twin, but the truth is, it’s actually a karmic energy that we must all experience.
These types of karmic relationships may include energies with low self-esteem and worth. Some may be filled with addictions and obsessions. Only for the fact that these issues are associated with us in some type of way.
Or you may be involved with someone who is with a karmic relationship. They are the one in that case that need to purge, release and surrender.
Karmic connections are actually preparing us. To help us to release these issues in order to connect with our divine soul partner.
Twin flames can also bring energetic forces as they are awakening inside of us. That we have been holding onto and that we are not aware of.
The reflection of ourselves with our Twin. That can help us to find our spiritual path and bring us closer to our higher self. Helping us to love ourselves and others unconditionally. Being able to attract abundance with love, self-worth and esteem.
Although Twin flame relationships are all unique and sacred, there is a pattern that tends to happen with divine unions.
During the process, you will dig deeper into every level and aspect of your energy.
Old wounds, grief, guilt and shame, also beliefs that no longer serve a purpose in your life. It will upgrade and level you up to a higher version of you!!
This is your soul connecting and awakening to your higher self. Remembering yourself as one with your Twin flame, spiritually knowing your soul‘s purpose with one another.
You will be able to see each other in a Cosmic Star Seed. Helping you both to ascend higher, to a 5D level.
The Twin flame journey, begins separately as they work on themselves.
They are both learning how to release and surrender internal conflict. Finding their spiritual path in order to bring themselves closer into union.
This is all part of their soul purpose with merging together as one with self love and unconditional love for others.
Their whole life is actually about preparing for this divine union. Prior to meeting, they may find themselves with a string of negative relationships filled with dram. Which they need to learn valuable lessons to grow from them.
After meeting your Twin flame, you will awakening things will make more sense. You will begin to find and see things with clarity. Though you still may not be ready for union. There is a preparation prior to the union as you work on yourself simultaneously.
The biggest challenging stage is to surrender!
Releasing and letting go of emotional and internal conflict is the key. In order to be able to come into balance and grounding.
Letting go of ego and learning how to actually love yourself can be extremely painful and difficult.; knowing that you are not controlling the situation but you are in control of your soul center.
Letting go and releasing but at the same time allowing the Universe and divine timing.
Surrendering is not about letting go of your Twin flame, it’s about surrendering the ego. Trying to let go and detach from the situation could make matters worst.
If you have a question about your soulmate, twin flame or romantic love interest, fill out the form below and I’m able to tune into your energy I will email your answer free.
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