Dark night of the Soul Experience

Twin flames Awakening – Dark night of the soul. This is a sacred healing process for Twin flames.

Twin flames Awakening – Dark night of the soul. This is a sacred healing process for Twin flames.  Twin flames experience multiple obstacles prior to union. During this time, their worlds will be thrown into chaotic energy. It is part of the transformation and this can create separation.   It’s very intense for Soul connections. Its actual amplified energy with light that is part of the soul’s ascension as they come to the divine union. There’s nothing scary about it, but it is a very empowering and beautiful experience.We all have many different types of soul connections.   Meeting your Twin flame, you awaken.   This is the awakening that causes the Runner and Chaser stages. The experience of spiritual transformation. This is a period of their vision where they may also encounter extreme energy that wakes up old past wounds.Dark night of the soul causes extreme upheavals in their lives. It’s all about releasing the ego.   This is part of the transformation, as the soul awakens. This is all part of the healing that they must experience together.It’s a time that they need experience to successfully find union. It's very similar to the eye of the storm. This is part of rebirth.   Don’t be afraid, it only causes you to be more resistant to the awakenings that you are about to encounter.Getting through the pain with the dark night of the soulThis can feel extremely intense. Many would think that they are going through a turbulent phase.   But it was all part of the process with releasing and surrendering energies to get past it. This is a time to focus on self care and doing the things that make you uplifted and awaking. If you are feeling down and depressed, nothing can ever replace medical advice.   By all means speak with the doctor just to rule out anything serious.Starting a healthy diet and eating regimen can help with getting through the dark night of the soul. So that the process isn’t so brutal. The soul needs to grow because two souls need to be united as one. This is their soul’s purpose on earth.  Twin flames get triggered by each other, especially if they are not ready for union.This will not happen overnight, awakening happens as you start to manifest your connection towards union.   Trust and having faith in the process. It will help the dark night of the soul amplify the energy and release negativity. It is all part of the Twin flame journey

Twin flames experience dark night with multiple obstacles prior to union.

During this time, their worlds will be thrown into chaotic energy. It is part of the transformation and this can create separation. 

It’s very intense for Soul connections. Its actual amplified energy with light that is part of the soul’s ascension as they come to the divine union. There’s nothing scary about it, but it is a very empowering and beautiful experience.We all have many different types of soul connections. 

Valentine’s Day is a special loving holiday. Although Valentine’s Day should not be celebrated one day out of the year. It actually should be 365 days a year. There are many people who dread the commercial side of it all and the emotional energy it brings. Especially to anyone who is having relationship issues or separated from the divine partner. Combined with mercury retrograde, Valentine’s Day can bring a lot of nostalgic energy so a person. This can trigger emotional energy from the past. For a lot of people Valentine’s Day February 14th almost feels like prom night for an adult. And you have no date on your date or didn’t show up. In other words he can bring disappointment for many Valentine’s Day is supposed to be the day for love. Valentine’s Day is about loving yourself and taking time out for you and the people who are dear to you. Valentine’s Day should be expressed to loved ones 365 days a year. Everyone wants love but can’t forget the true meaning behind it with Valentine’s Day. This year make Valentine’s Day a day for loving you! Healing Make a complete list of people you love and appreciate in your life. Also everything that you’re grateful for and the blessings in your life. Writing this down and the details on what you love about them. Keeping this list handy anytime when you feel emotionally stressed. Loving you Making plans and creating an event for Valentine’s Day. I know we can’t go to the many places we would like during this time. But try making a special meal or baking a cake. Do something extra special because you deserve it! Try to take some time make an event with love ones who are four through video chat. Although we can’t spend time with the people we love if they are far away and with social distancing. We can make the most out of the gadgets we have that can reach out to anyone around the world. Don’t blame yourself You did not do anything wrong. Everything you have done in your life, happened for a reason. If you’re finding yourself asking when you’re going to find your twin flame or soulmate? Turn it into embracing your current situation if you’re single or married and just love who you are. This is an important time to prepare for your divine counterparts (soulmate or twin flames) and make changes for the future. There are many people who hate their material status single or married. The grass is always greener on the other side. Eating healthy Everything that we eat is who we are and it shows up on our bodies. Whatever you’re feeling during the day it’s important to be mindful on your eating pattern. Try eating more cleaner going back to the basics and cooking your food or preparing them yourself. This is a time to also try something new, add more vegetables and fruits to your meal. You can be creative, and find interesting recipes on the Internet. Exercise Exercise and getting some physical activity is so beneficial when it comes to feeling good. You are releasing endorphins in your brain but you’re also letting go of stress that you accumulate. There are many different types of exercise that are right for you. Ask your doctor if there is certain activities that you’re limited to. Walking is always a wonderful option. I love all types of fitness and group exercise. One of my favorites is Zumba, it can put a real smile on your face with all the dancing to the fun songs. Find something that works for you and just do it! Meditation This is a perfect time to explore your spirituality. Raising your vibration in order to stay grounded and uplifted. It’ll also help bring in the love that you need in your life. First visualize everything that you want and write it down in a journal. Keeping this handy at all times to reflect back. Also making a vision board as I’ve mentioned many times in the past can help with affirmations and visualizations. Visualizing and praying for love is the key for manifesting your dreams with love. Pay attention to signs We are continuously trying to move forward. And being shown messages through numbers and signs will pop up on her soul journey. This is part of the inspiration coming from above to help us and guide us on every level. These messages don’t necessarily have a specific meaning but they do have a potential for more to come. The best thing to do is write them down and meditate over them. This will help increase the energies that are being given and interpreted through a spiritual reading. Paying attention to songs that you may hear in random places, though you may know this song very well, there may be a hidden message behind it. Always believe in love, the magic is within you, but if you are not focused. You will be losing out on the most beautiful light inside you! Valentine’s Day can be a very magical experience, not just with a divine partner but with Family and friends who are dear to you.

Meeting your Twin flame, you awaken. 

This is the awakening that causes the Runner and Chaser stages. The experience of spiritual transformation. This is a period of their vision where they may also encounter extreme energy that wakes up old past wounds. Dark night of the soul causes extreme upheavals in their lives. It’s all about releasing the ego. 

This is part of the transformation, as the soul awakens. This is all part of the healing that they must experience together.

It’s a time that they need experience to successfully find union. It’s very similar to the eye of the storm. This is part of rebirth. 

Don’t be afraid, it only causes you to be more resistant to the awakenings that you are about to encounter.Getting through the pain with the dark night of the soul

Twin flames are special, as they can communicate with each other telepathically.

This can feel extremely intense. Many would think that they are going through a turbulent phase. 

But it was all part of the process with releasing and surrendering energies to get past it. This is a time to focus on self care and doing the things that make you uplifted and awaking. If you are feeling down and depressed, nothing can ever replace medical advice. 

By all means speak with the doctor just to rule out anything serious. Starting a healthy diet and eating regimen can help with getting through the dark night of the soul. So that the process isn’t so brutal.

The soul needs to grow because two souls need to be united as one. This is their soul’s purpose on earth.

Twin flames get triggered by each other. Especially if they are not ready for union. This will not happen overnight, awakening happens as you start to manifest your connection towards union. 

The Twin flame connection is extreme and very powerful. But after a while, the energy seems to have a shift and it feels almost toxic, associated with drama. The spiritual bond is very powerful and no other connection can feel as intense. This does not change. However, when there is work that needs to be done, the energy can become very drastic and full of drama. Many would call it toxic, but it’s what they have accumulated from within that creates the toxic feeling. This also can have the same effect with certain types of Soulmates as well; many soulmates do mimic the Twin flame energy. The Twin flame has a spiritual magnetic pulling energy that makes it almost impossible to resist. They can both feel the energy on a 5D level. This can be scary for many people as you only know this person for a few moments of your life and they actually tune in to the essence of your Soul. The intense strength of Twin flames is so powerful that it can stir up emotions, many times not very positive. When they have wounds and/or karmic past ties, they all have to be corrected, which leads to a lot of emotional purging and clearing of their Soul. This can be extreme as severe. When there is one who isn’t awake and the other can see the blockages that they need to move forward. This can create the Runner & Chaser phases. Internal conflict from their soul makes it impossible to be with one another while they are in a correction phase. Until they correct and release, it can feel like a nightmare for many. Remember that this is only temporary and nothing will disconnect a Twin flame connection. Runners & Chasers can be reversed, but they are both running from themselves and the energy itself. Unfortunately, this can go on for many years which creates anxiety, negativity and a feeling of toxic energy! But it’s not actually a toxic connection, it’s just what they have accumulated and need to release in order to come together into a divine union. Twin flames will always feel the presence of their other half near them. Nothing, as I mentioned, will disconnect them, even if they are with other relationships, far away in other countries or completely distant and shunned from each other. Twin flames will somehow find themselves back together. Twin flames have a powerful bond. It is beautiful but it can be a very intensely painful experience. So why would anybody want this? It’s not something we can choose or decide, this is a soul mission and they are sent with each other in this life and others to correct and empower one another, doing the greater good for humanity. The experience is extreme and intense, they always find each other and find the love that they once shared. Many ask how to cut or sever the ties because of the intensity. But there is no way to disconnect or separate, it would only make things worse, in the long run, trying to deny the connection. Trying to nudge or bring it back when they are not ready will feel like a toxic shock, as they both need to work on themselves a little deeper. Everyone's situation is unique and different. There are many reasons why do these types of divine connections go through so much pain and agony trying to be together. Soulmates and Twin flames are sent together with their destiny as one, along with the goal to work together to find peace and balance inside one body. Getting past the drama and toxic energy can be a challenge, but if you start recognizing the truth within yourself, you will find it is easier than you thought. Having self-control and patience is the key to love and blossom with Twin Flames. Many times, the ego can’t take control and be apart from your other half and can actually create a drama of pain any emotional conflict. Soulmates and Twin flames have a deeper understanding of each other spiritually; more than they realize. Once they open their eyes, they can see each other for who they are and can live in harmony. When they are going through the separation phases, they may sound like something very magical, "it's too good to be true". The energy is continuously trying to work themselves back together in perfect harmony. What happens when one is not ready? Even when they are separated, Twin flames continuously need to work on themselves with having love and total gratitude for everything in their lives. It is the only way for the energy to shift and come into a divine union.

Trust and having faith in the process.

It will help the dark night of the soul amplify the energy and release negativity. It is all part of the Twin flame journey

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How Will 2.2 & 2.22 affect Twin flames Connections?

2.2 and 2.22 amplifies the global energy to a spiritual alignment.

What's the difference between a twin flame and a t soulmate Connection?Twin flames are part of the soul connection collective.We have many Soulmates, they are sent to us.You may have a deep emotional connection that feels intense. Soulmates can be friends or romantic partners, many times even family members. Soulmates can understand each other on the same level.Sometimes even share past lives together. Soulmates will come and go into your life, many times mimicking what feels like a twin flame. Soulmates can also be your divine counterpart.The twin flame is an intense connection. Also, a part of you as it mirrors your soul. You are deeply connected to the core. Twin flames just like regular twins can feel each other’s energy and pain.As soon as you meet your twin flame, you know that this person is going to change your life forever. Sometimes twin flames can feel chaotic energy because of the fear they carry in a past situation, creating the runner and chaser phases.Twin flames know each other more than any other being in this world.They are the sole mirror of one another’s insecurities and energy. They can reflect on each other‘s emotions. If they are not ready to face their own fear, they can go on through lifetimes trying to come to terms with their own demons.Twin flames always end up together in the long term. Many times it can go through a lifetime trying to re-establish the connection. But they always find each other back home.Many times twin flames can be faced with separation. This pain can feel abandonment energies and trigger off past emotional conflicts.The separation is actually to help them release negativities in a longer serve them in order to come into divine union.The twin flame separation can bring benefits to the relationship in the long term.When they need to work on themselves, there are things that they need to release, and being together would only cause chaos in negativities between them too.Twin flames need to analyze their mistakes and how to correct them. Working on themselves simultaneously, they are able to find peace and serenity, preparing and creating balance in their life prior to divine Union.Many times separation can take a while, yes it can take years. Not everyone wants to hear this but everyone who is dealing with a twin flame separation or has their own soul journey. By achieving the union part of their journey, it’s only the beginning.There’s so much more work they need to work on with each other. Ultimately becoming a power couple. Adjusting to one another’s needs and knowing what one another needs to stay stable and grounded.Everything that happens in their lives, is actually a purpose for one another to help each other. This is a soul divine union mission, both twins are preparing to release and surrender energies that no longer serve them.There are many different stages when it comes to twin flames. The first stage is when you first realize there is somebody out there that is going to change your life forever.The second stage is when you actually find this person. The third stage is when you both can amplify each other on a higher level, getting to know one another. Sometimes these stages can also trigger the Runner and Chaser phases, creating separation as I mentioned earlier.You may wonder if a soulmate connection is better than a twin flame? Actually, this is not a choice that you can make, it is who you are destined to be with before you are incarnated. Yes, some people don’t meet their twin flame in a lifetime and many will know them right at the very beginning.Sometimes twin flame relationships can be toxic. Yes, you are mirroring your twin’s weaknesses and negativities.This is when separation is required for the spiritual awakening and to grow spiritually.

2 is a powerful number, especially on a date that brings awareness and a sign of new beginnings. 

Especially when it comes to divine counterparts (soulmates, twin flames, and twin rays).The second month of the year, being the 2nd & 22nd  is a day to empower love and will continue throughout the whole year.

The spiritual energy opens a portal to awakenings and awareness. 2 is known to be a twin flame number. It amplifies 2/22 and is focused on the area of partnership.

The influence awakens a higher state of mind. 2 is also recognized in the form of making decisions.  Also coming to terms with a decision. Which is usually always in the area with love.

This number is all about partnership, teamwork, and collaboration, as well as decisions to make and decisions that will affect your entire life. Things may not exactly happen on this date. 

Signifying opening new doors and chapters for the whole entire year.These numbers represent everything that is aligning at the right time for your highest good. 

2/2 and 2/22 amplifies the global energy to a spiritual alignment. 2 is a powerful number, especially on a date that brings awareness and a sign of new beginnings. Especially when it comes to divine counterparts (soulmates, twin flames, and twin rays).The second month of the year, being the 2nd & 22nd  is a day to empower love and will continue throughout the whole year.The spiritual energy opens a portal to awakenings and awareness. 2 is known to be a twin flame number. It amplifies 2/22 and is focused on the area of partnership. The influence awakens a higher state of mind. 2 is also recognized in the form of making decisions. Also coming to terms with a decision. Which is usually always in the area with love.This number is all about partnership, teamwork, and collaboration, as well as decisions to make and decisions that will affect your entire life. Things may not exactly happen on this date. Signifying opening new doors and chapters for the whole entire year.These numbers represent everything that is aligning at the right time for your highest good. You put out the intention and now it’s time to manifest the fruits of your labor.This number is also representing that it’s coming to a complete balance in your life. There’s a healing happening with you and your divine counterpart. It’s telling you that you need to have faith and trust the process. Focusing on the light in your heart to start manifesting your dreams.The number 2 is also about manifesting miracles and starting new beginnings.Numbers will be shown to you as an angel‘s way of saying stay on this path. Be strong, and believe in your heart.Know that there is healing going on, and it’s up to you to make it happen. Dig deep into your heart, let go of past wounds and start over again.

You put out the intention and now it’s time to manifest the fruits of your labor.

This number is also representing that it’s coming to a complete balance in your life. There’s a healing happening with you and your divine counterpart. 

It’s telling you that you need to have faith and trust the process. Focusing on the light in your heart to start manifesting your dreams.

The number 2 is also about manifesting miracles and starting new beginnings. Numbers will be shown to you as an angel‘s way of saying stay on this path. 

Be strong, and believe in your heart.Know that there is healing going on, and it’s up to you to make it happen. Dig deep into your heart, let go of past wounds and start over again.

Do you have a question? For a limited time, I’m offering one free question. Fill out form below.

Twin flames: Full Moon Eclipse Amplifying Emotional Energy

Full blood moon eclipse in Taurus will always have an effect on everyone in some type of way.

Full blood moon eclipse in Taurus will always have an effect on everyone in some type of way.This will be a Full moon representing the Energy with intense emotions.Spiritual and Psychic energy is amplified. It will have a great impact and powerful influence on Soulmates and Twin flames.Keeping in mind that this is a time to release any emotional Energy or feelings that you may have accumulated. In return to inviting new beginnings and changes, you must release and let go in order to start over.There is a full moon lunar eclipse, 11/08/2022. The energies with emotions will be off the charts. The eclipse will intensify love relationships, especially soulmates and twin flames. If you are going through a difficult time or separation. The energy will feel a little stronger than other Full moons. Especially for those born under Taurus and have Taurus in their chart. A new moon represents setting intentions and a full moon eclipse represents releasing. Keeping the lunar cycle will help amplify Soul connections and understand the energies that accompany these dynamic relationships.The Full moon Eclipse is a time to clear away past negativities and focus on positivity.Now that we are in autumn, it’s an excellent time to start planting your seeds and set new goals. Make a list of everything you would like to surrender and a new list of planting seeds.This is the time to focus on the light inside you and start planting positive seeds to open yourself to a new beginning and start fresh.This full moon is packed with opportunities and changes. In a love relationship, it can be an extremely intense feeling, as the energy is much higher than in any other type of Soul connection. This includes Soulmates and Twin flames connections.Being aware that many relationships go through a very intense cycle during this time. It’s time to let go of certain negativity. This many times can awaken past old wounds that need to be healed.During this time it’s best to avoid any deep discussions that can lead to an argument with somebody close to you. Reflecting more on the current area that may need your attention instead of digging deep into something from the past.The Beaver full moon is a very emotional moon that can bring a feeling of sadness along with intensity with happiness all at the same time. The powerful sign of Taurus also intensifies psychic and spiritual energies along with enhancing your abilities. There is transformation and as it releases negativity it replenishes it with spiritual growth. The full moon eclipse can be felt three days prior and three days post the full moon. The sun in Scorpio and moon in Taurus, which can create more of an intensity with the energy of this eclipse.The shadows can finally come into the light and less is associated with the transformation. Facing your fears and opening your heart is the key.You may also experience a feeling that your moods are constantly changing. Being aware that you can be triggered and stirred up what’s the smallest thing. Being mindful with your friends and family is the key. It is a great time to reestablish and focus on your goals.Seeking spiritual guidance with a psychic reading during a full moon eclipse can help learn the truth and understanding of life situations.Also, the ideal time to meditate in prayer with letting go and using a quartz crystal.During a full moon eclipse, always give gratitude in order to ignite a higher vibration frequency into your life, loving yourself and everyone close to you.Always know that you have so much love to give and receive. Always focus on the positive as you release and surrender during a full moon Lunar Eclipse.If you have a question about your relationship. I’m offering one free question to new readers and subscribers Just fill out the form below. To be fair one question per person only.

This will be a Full moon representing the Energy with intense emotions.

Spiritual and Psychic energy is amplified. It will have a great impact and powerful influence on Soulmates and Twin flames.

Keeping in mind that this is a time to release any emotional Energy or feelings that you may have accumulated. In return to inviting new beginnings and changes, you must release and let go in order to start over.

There is a full moon lunar eclipse, 11/08/2022. The energies with emotions will be off the charts. The eclipse will intensify love relationships, especially soulmates and twin flames. 

If you are going through a difficult time or separation. The energy will feel a little stronger than other Full moons. Especially for those born under Taurus and have Taurus in their chart. 

A new moon represents setting intentions and a full moon eclipse represents releasing. Keeping the lunar cycle will help amplify Soul connections and understand the energies that accompany these dynamic relationships.

Full blood moon eclipse in Taurus will always have an effect on everyone in some type of way.This will be a Full moon representing the Energy with intense emotions.Spiritual and Psychic energy is amplified. It will have a great impact and powerful influence on Soulmates and Twin flames.Keeping in mind that this is a time to release any emotional Energy or feelings that you may have accumulated. In return to inviting new beginnings and changes, you must release and let go in order to start over.There is a full moon lunar eclipse, 11/08/2022. The energies with emotions will be off the charts. The eclipse will intensify love relationships, especially soulmates and twin flames. If you are going through a difficult time or separation. The energy will feel a little stronger than other Full moons. Especially for those born under Taurus and have Taurus in their chart. A new moon represents setting intentions and a full moon eclipse represents releasing. Keeping the lunar cycle will help amplify Soul connections and understand the energies that accompany these dynamic relationships.The Full moon Eclipse is a time to clear away past negativities and focus on positivity.Now that we are in autumn, it’s an excellent time to start planting your seeds and set new goals. Make a list of everything you would like to surrender and a new list of planting seeds.This is the time to focus on the light inside you and start planting positive seeds to open yourself to a new beginning and start fresh.This full moon is packed with opportunities and changes. In a love relationship, it can be an extremely intense feeling, as the energy is much higher than in any other type of Soul connection. This includes Soulmates and Twin flames connections.Being aware that many relationships go through a very intense cycle during this time. It’s time to let go of certain negativity. This many times can awaken past old wounds that need to be healed.During this time it’s best to avoid any deep discussions that can lead to an argument with somebody close to you. Reflecting more on the current area that may need your attention instead of digging deep into something from the past.The Beaver full moon is a very emotional moon that can bring a feeling of sadness along with intensity with happiness all at the same time. The powerful sign of Taurus also intensifies psychic and spiritual energies along with enhancing your abilities. There is transformation and as it releases negativity it replenishes it with spiritual growth. The full moon eclipse can be felt three days prior and three days post the full moon. The sun in Scorpio and moon in Taurus, which can create more of an intensity with the energy of this eclipse.The shadows can finally come into the light and less is associated with the transformation. Facing your fears and opening your heart is the key.You may also experience a feeling that your moods are constantly changing. Being aware that you can be triggered and stirred up what’s the smallest thing. Being mindful with your friends and family is the key. It is a great time to reestablish and focus on your goals.Seeking spiritual guidance with a psychic reading during a full moon eclipse can help learn the truth and understanding of life situations.Also, the ideal time to meditate in prayer with letting go and using a quartz crystal.During a full moon eclipse, always give gratitude in order to ignite a higher vibration frequency into your life, loving yourself and everyone close to you.Always know that you have so much love to give and receive. Always focus on the positive as you release and surrender during a full moon Lunar Eclipse.If you have a question about your relationship. I’m offering one free question to new readers and subscribers Just fill out the form below. To be fair one question per person only.

The Full moon Eclipse is a time to clear away past negativities and focus on positivity.

Now that we are in autumn, it’s an excellent time to start planting your seeds and set new goals. Make a list of everything you would like to surrender and a new list of planting seeds.

This is the time to focus on the light inside you and start planting positive seeds to open yourself to a new beginning and start fresh.

This full moon is packed with opportunities and changes. In a love relationship, it can be an extremely intense feeling, as the energy is much higher than in any other type of Soul connection. This includes Soulmates and Twin flames connections.

Being aware that many relationships go through a very intense cycle during this time. It’s time to let go of certain negativity. This many times can awaken past old wounds that need to be healed.

During this time it’s best to avoid any deep discussions that can lead to an argument with somebody close to you. Reflecting more on the current area that may need your attention instead of digging deep into something from the past.

The Beaver full moon is a very emotional moon that can bring a feeling of sadness along with intensity with happiness all at the same time. The powerful sign of Taurus also intensifies psychic and spiritual energies along with enhancing your abilities. 

There is transformation and as it releases negativity it replenishes it with spiritual growth. 

Full blood moon eclipse in Taurus will always have an effect on everyone in some type of way.This will be a Full moon representing the Energy with intense emotions.Spiritual and Psychic energy is amplified. It will have a great impact and powerful influence on Soulmates and Twin flames.Keeping in mind that this is a time to release any emotional Energy or feelings that you may have accumulated. In return to inviting new beginnings and changes, you must release and let go in order to start over.There is a full moon lunar eclipse, 11/08/2022. The energies with emotions will be off the charts. The eclipse will intensify love relationships, especially soulmates and twin flames. If you are going through a difficult time or separation. The energy will feel a little stronger than other Full moons. Especially for those born under Taurus and have Taurus in their chart. A new moon represents setting intentions and a full moon eclipse represents releasing. Keeping the lunar cycle will help amplify Soul connections and understand the energies that accompany these dynamic relationships.The Full moon Eclipse is a time to clear away past negativities and focus on positivity.Now that we are in autumn, it’s an excellent time to start planting your seeds and set new goals. Make a list of everything you would like to surrender and a new list of planting seeds.This is the time to focus on the light inside you and start planting positive seeds to open yourself to a new beginning and start fresh.This full moon is packed with opportunities and changes. In a love relationship, it can be an extremely intense feeling, as the energy is much higher than in any other type of Soul connection. This includes Soulmates and Twin flames connections.Being aware that many relationships go through a very intense cycle during this time. It’s time to let go of certain negativity. This many times can awaken past old wounds that need to be healed.During this time it’s best to avoid any deep discussions that can lead to an argument with somebody close to you. Reflecting more on the current area that may need your attention instead of digging deep into something from the past.The Beaver full moon is a very emotional moon that can bring a feeling of sadness along with intensity with happiness all at the same time. The powerful sign of Taurus also intensifies psychic and spiritual energies along with enhancing your abilities. There is transformation and as it releases negativity it replenishes it with spiritual growth. The full moon eclipse can be felt three days prior and three days post the full moon. The sun in Scorpio and moon in Taurus, which can create more of an intensity with the energy of this eclipse.The shadows can finally come into the light and less is associated with the transformation. Facing your fears and opening your heart is the key.You may also experience a feeling that your moods are constantly changing. Being aware that you can be triggered and stirred up what’s the smallest thing. Being mindful with your friends and family is the key. It is a great time to reestablish and focus on your goals.Seeking spiritual guidance with a psychic reading during a full moon eclipse can help learn the truth and understanding of life situations.Also, the ideal time to meditate in prayer with letting go and using a quartz crystal.During a full moon eclipse, always give gratitude in order to ignite a higher vibration frequency into your life, loving yourself and everyone close to you.Always know that you have so much love to give and receive. Always focus on the positive as you release and surrender during a full moon Lunar Eclipse.If you have a question about your relationship. I’m offering one free question to new readers and subscribers Just fill out the form below. To be fair one question per person only.

The full moon eclipse can be felt three days prior and three days post the full moon. 

The sun in Scorpio and moon in Taurus, which can create more of an intensity with the energy of this eclipse.

The shadows can finally come into the light and less is associated with the transformation. Facing your fears and opening your heart is the key.

You may also experience a feeling that your moods are constantly changing. Being aware that you can be triggered and stirred up what’s the smallest thing. Being mindful with your friends and family is the key.

It is a great time to reestablish and focus on your goals.

What's the difference between a twin flame and a t soulmate Connection?Twin flames are part of the soul connection collective.We have many Soulmates, they are sent to us.You may have a deep emotional connection that feels intense. Soulmates can be friends or romantic partners, many times even family members. Soulmates can understand each other on the same level.Sometimes even share past lives together. Soulmates will come and go into your life, many times mimicking what feels like a twin flame. Soulmates can also be your divine counterpart.The twin flame is an intense connection. Also, a part of you as it mirrors your soul. You are deeply connected to the core. Twin flames just like regular twins can feel each other’s energy and pain.As soon as you meet your twin flame, you know that this person is going to change your life forever. Sometimes twin flames can feel chaotic energy because of the fear they carry in a past situation, creating the runner and chaser phases.Twin flames know each other more than any other being in this world.They are the sole mirror of one another’s insecurities and energy. They can reflect on each other‘s emotions. If they are not ready to face their own fear, they can go on through lifetimes trying to come to terms with their own demons.Twin flames always end up together in the long term. Many times it can go through a lifetime trying to re-establish the connection. But they always find each other back home.Many times twin flames can be faced with separation. This pain can feel abandonment energies and trigger off past emotional conflicts.The separation is actually to help them release negativities in a longer serve them in order to come into divine union.The twin flame separation can bring benefits to the relationship in the long term.When they need to work on themselves, there are things that they need to release, and being together would only cause chaos in negativities between them too.Twin flames need to analyze their mistakes and how to correct them. Working on themselves simultaneously, they are able to find peace and serenity, preparing and creating balance in their life prior to divine Union.Many times separation can take a while, yes it can take years. Not everyone wants to hear this but everyone who is dealing with a twin flame separation or has their own soul journey. By achieving the union part of their journey, it’s only the beginning.There’s so much more work they need to work on with each other. Ultimately becoming a power couple. Adjusting to one another’s needs and knowing what one another needs to stay stable and grounded.Everything that happens in their lives, is actually a purpose for one another to help each other. This is a soul divine union mission, both twins are preparing to release and surrender energies that no longer serve them.There are many different stages when it comes to twin flames. The first stage is when you first realize there is somebody out there that is going to change your life forever.The second stage is when you actually find this person. The third stage is when you both can amplify each other on a higher level, getting to know one another. Sometimes these stages can also trigger the Runner and Chaser phases, creating separation as I mentioned earlier.You may wonder if a soulmate connection is better than a twin flame? Actually, this is not a choice that you can make, it is who you are destined to be with before you are incarnated. Yes, some people don’t meet their twin flame in a lifetime and many will know them right at the very beginning.Sometimes twin flame relationships can be toxic. Yes, you are mirroring your twin’s weaknesses and negativities.This is when separation is required for the spiritual awakening and to grow spiritually.

Seeking spiritual guidance with a psychic reading during a full moon eclipse can help learn the truth and understanding of life situations.

Also, the ideal time to meditate in prayer with letting go and using a quartz crystal.

During a full moon eclipse, always give gratitude in order to ignite a higher vibration frequency into your life, loving yourself and everyone close to you.

Always know that you have so much love to give and receive. Always focus on the positive as you release and surrender during a full moon Lunar Eclipse.

If you have a question about your relationship. I’m offering one free question to new readers and subscribers

Thank you for understanding. Just fill out the form below.

Definition between soulmates and twin flames?

Twin flames: What is the difference?

Twin flame union Soul Connections sent to us for a reason to help us get through life lessons in each lifetime to find Our Divine Counterpart. We actually choose our lessons before entering incarnation.

Twin flames are part of the soulmate connection collective. Soulmates are people sent to us in many different forms.

You may have a deep emotional connection that feels intense. Soulmates can be friends or romantic partners, many times even family members. 

Twin flames can understand each other on the same level. Sometimes even share past lives together. Soulmates will come and go into your life.

The twin flame is an intense connection. That is a part of you. It mirrors your soul. You are deeply connected to the core. Twin flames just like regular twins can feel each other’s energy and pain.

As soon as you meet your twin flame, you know that this person is going to change your life forever. 

Sometimes twin flames can feel chaotic energy because of the fear they carry in a past situation, creating the runner and chaser phases.

Twin flames know each other more than any other being in this world.They are the sole mirror of one another’s insecurities and energy. 

They can reflect on each other‘s emotions. If they are not ready to face their own fear, they can go on through lifetimes trying to come to terms with their shadows. 

Twin flames and always end up together in the long term. Many times it can go through a lifetime trying to re-establish the connection. But they always find each other back home.

What's the difference between a twin flame and a t soulmate Connection?Twin flames are part of the soul connection collective.We have many Soulmates, they are sent to us.You may have a deep emotional connection that feels intense. Soulmates can be friends or romantic partners, many times even family members. Soulmates can understand each other on the same level.Sometimes even share past lives together. Soulmates will come and go into your life, many times mimicking what feels like a twin flame. Soulmates can also be your divine counterpart.The twin flame is an intense connection. Also, a part of you as it mirrors your soul. You are deeply connected to the core. Twin flames just like regular twins can feel each other’s energy and pain.As soon as you meet your twin flame, you know that this person is going to change your life forever. Sometimes twin flames can feel chaotic energy because of the fear they carry in a past situation, creating the runner and chaser phases.Twin flames know each other more than any other being in this world.They are the sole mirror of one another’s insecurities and energy. They can reflect on each other‘s emotions. If they are not ready to face their own fear, they can go on through lifetimes trying to come to terms with their own demons.Twin flames always end up together in the long term. Many times it can go through a lifetime trying to re-establish the connection. But they always find each other back home.Many times twin flames can be faced with separation. This pain can feel abandonment energies and trigger off past emotional conflicts.The separation is actually to help them release negativities in a longer serve them in order to come into divine union.The twin flame separation can bring benefits to the relationship in the long term.When they need to work on themselves, there are things that they need to release, and being together would only cause chaos in negativities between them too.Twin flames need to analyze their mistakes and how to correct them. Working on themselves simultaneously, they are able to find peace and serenity, preparing and creating balance in their life prior to divine Union.Many times separation can take a while, yes it can take years. Not everyone wants to hear this but everyone who is dealing with a twin flame separation or has their own soul journey. By achieving the union part of their journey, it’s only the beginning.There’s so much more work they need to work on with each other. Ultimately becoming a power couple. Adjusting to one another’s needs and knowing what one another needs to stay stable and grounded.Everything that happens in their lives, is actually a purpose for one another to help each other. This is a soul divine union mission, both twins are preparing to release and surrender energies that no longer serve them.There are many different stages when it comes to twin flames. The first stage is when you first realize there is somebody out there that is going to change your life forever.The second stage is when you actually find this person. The third stage is when you both can amplify each other on a higher level, getting to know one another. Sometimes these stages can also trigger the Runner and Chaser phases, creating separation as I mentioned earlier.You may wonder if a soulmate connection is better than a twin flame? Actually, this is not a choice that you can make, it is who you are destined to be with before you are incarnated. Yes, some people don’t meet their twin flame in a lifetime and many will know them right at the very beginning.Sometimes twin flame relationships can be toxic. Yes, you are mirroring your twin’s weaknesses and negativities.This is when separation is required for the spiritual awakening and to grow spiritually.

Many times twin flames can be faced with separation. 

This pain can feel abandonment energies and trigger off past emotional conflicts.The separation is actually to help them release negativities in order to come into divine union.

The twin flame separation can bring benefits to the relationship in the long term.When they need to work on themselves, there are things that they need to release, and being together would only cause chaos in negativities between them too.

Twin flames need to analyze their mistakes and how to correct them. Working on themselves simultaneously, they are able to find peace and serenity, preparing and creating balance in their life prior to divine Union.

Many times separation can take a while, yes it can take years. 

Not everyone wants to hear this but everyone who is dealing with a twin flame separation or has their own soul journey. By achieving the union part of their journey, it’s only the beginning.

There’s so much more work they need to work on with each other. Ultimately becoming a power couple. Adjusting to one another’s needs and knowing what one another needs to stay stable and grounded.

Everything that happens in their lives, is actually a purpose for one another to help each other. This is a soul divine union mission, both twins are preparing to release and surrender, energies that no longer serve them.

There are many different stages when it comes to twin flames. The first stage is when you first realize there is somebody out there that is going to change your life forever.

The Runner & Chaser stages can happen with all divine counterparts. Twin flames dynamics involves extreme energy surges prior to the union. As with all divine partners, they can all mimic Twin flames. With Twin flames, they require that both twins be ready. As they start to merge as one, they’re working on themselves with eliminating everything that they’ve accumulated all of their lives. Life lessons they must learn. If they’re angry with themselves, it has to do with abandonment issues, anger, and fear-based energy from their past. They carry past old wounds as sometimes they have not been healed, and this can create a huge conflict when they are entering into a union. They need to first come to our ascension energetically, weakening their souls with each other, in order for them to merge together as one into a higher frequency, which is the 5D level. Twin flame separation? It's very painful. As they feel that everything is lost, this is when they are the most triggered.  They are detaching from one another to work on themselves.There can be negative and harsh words said to each other, many times out of fear. When Twin flames are separated, they feel severe emotional pain. As their spirit is compelled to each other, it’s a process of understanding as they navigate their energy together prior to the union. Can they cut cords? They will try to cut the cords and disconnect, but it will only hurt them even more as they find it impossible to disconnect.   It’s better to cope with the phases versus trying to cut it off. There’s really no exact timing on how long the separation will last. No one can actually predict when they will finally come together as they both need to work on themselves.  When you start working on your life lessons, the sooner the union will begin. As your Twin starts to feel your energy, you automatically send a signal that everything is OK. It can take several years before they finally find the union. I know this is very hard to hear but very true. It all depends on how much work you need to do on yourself to get past your life lessons and help your twin to ascension. How do I work on myself? The first step is love yourself, I know it sounds really simple but so true that many people don’t know how to love themselves. When you start to really love yourself, you automatically trigger sparks that your Twin will automatically feel.  Twin flames cannot enter into a union.When Twin flames are constantly debating and arguing and it will prolong the union. This is why we talk about separating in order to work on themselves separately so that they can find their true spiritual path. How do I know this is a true Twin? For one, if you have to convince or ask yourself this question, chances are this is not your person or divine counterpart.When you do meet your Twin flame, you will instantly feel something change inside you and your life will never be the same. We are sent several different types of Soul connections to help us grow and evolve spiritually. Not everybody is going to meet their Twin flame, or Twin Ray.But it is “Your person” and who you were meant to share your life with. This can come from any of the Soul Connection Collective.Often referred to your Soulmates, Twin flame, Twin Ray or eternal Soul connection.The runner is running from their own truth.When you first meet your Twin flame.  It will feel as if you were looking into a soul mirror of yourself.It may be scary at first and you may feel like you’re on your honeymoon when you are with them. As they start to come together, they realize that they are facing their authentic true self. Does a Twin flame return? You will always miss your Twin flame and look for them when they are apart from you, and many times trying to find ways to either speed the process or cut the ties. The stages are not about cutting off or speeding the process but eliminating what is necessary in order to come to the union. If your Twin has narcissist behavior, this is often triggered by emotional fear and abandonment issues. Twin flames work towards ascension and awakening. As they come into alignment with the higher selves, they find themselves feeling more alive and awake and then ever. When one awakens before the other. As I mentioned, Love is the key, meditation is also another key factor in order to connect Twin flames to their higher selves. Healing and feeling love is the first step when they begin to awaken.Ego plays a big part in triggering off negativity and emotions bringing up internal conflicts. Raising your vibration is part of the reciprocation with their energies uniting.It’s all about letting go of all past wounds, meditation, love, and self-care. This will help with the transition of coming into the Union.

The second stage is when you actually find this person.

The third stage is when you both can amplify each other on a higher level, getting to know one another. 

Sometimes these stages can also trigger the Runner and Chaser phases, creating separation as I mentioned earlier.You may wonder if a soulmate connection is better than a twin flame? 

Actually, this is not a choice that you can make, it is who you are destined to be with before you are incarnated. Yes, some people don’t meet their twin flame in a lifetime and many will know them right at the very beginning.

Sometimes twin flame relationships can be toxic. Yes, you are mirroring your twin’s weaknesses and negativities.This is when the separation is required for the spiritual awakening and to grow spiritually.

If you have a question about your situation, I do offer one free question.

This goes to the new readers and subscribers to my blog.

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Twin flames & Soulmates: Understanding the Phases

Twin flames, Soulmates and karmic connections.

Valentine’s Day is a special loving holiday. Although Valentine’s Day should not be celebrated one day out of the year. It actually should be 365 days a year. There are many people who dread the commercial side of it all and the emotional energy it brings. Especially to anyone who is having relationship issues or separated from the divine partner. Combined with mercury retrograde, Valentine’s Day can bring a lot of nostalgic energy so a person. This can trigger emotional energy from the past. For a lot of people Valentine’s Day February 14th almost feels like prom night for an adult. And you have no date on your date or didn’t show up. In other words he can bring disappointment for many Valentine’s Day is supposed to be the day for love. Valentine’s Day is about loving yourself and taking time out for you and the people who are dear to you. Valentine’s Day should be expressed to loved ones 365 days a year. Everyone wants love but can’t forget the true meaning behind it with Valentine’s Day. This year make Valentine’s Day a day for loving you! Healing Make a complete list of people you love and appreciate in your life. Also everything that you’re grateful for and the blessings in your life. Writing this down and the details on what you love about them. Keeping this list handy anytime when you feel emotionally stressed. Loving you Making plans and creating an event for Valentine’s Day. I know we can’t go to the many places we would like during this time. But try making a special meal or baking a cake. Do something extra special because you deserve it! Try to take some time make an event with love ones who are four through video chat. Although we can’t spend time with the people we love if they are far away and with social distancing. We can make the most out of the gadgets we have that can reach out to anyone around the world. Don’t blame yourself You did not do anything wrong. Everything you have done in your life, happened for a reason. If you’re finding yourself asking when you’re going to find your twin flame or soulmate? Turn it into embracing your current situation if you’re single or married and just love who you are. This is an important time to prepare for your divine counterparts (soulmate or twin flames) and make changes for the future. There are many people who hate their material status single or married. The grass is always greener on the other side. Eating healthy Everything that we eat is who we are and it shows up on our bodies. Whatever you’re feeling during the day it’s important to be mindful on your eating pattern. Try eating more cleaner going back to the basics and cooking your food or preparing them yourself. This is a time to also try something new, add more vegetables and fruits to your meal. You can be creative, and find interesting recipes on the Internet. Exercise Exercise and getting some physical activity is so beneficial when it comes to feeling good. You are releasing endorphins in your brain but you’re also letting go of stress that you accumulate. There are many different types of exercise that are right for you. Ask your doctor if there is certain activities that you’re limited to. Walking is always a wonderful option. I love all types of fitness and group exercise. One of my favorites is Zumba, it can put a real smile on your face with all the dancing to the fun songs. Find something that works for you and just do it! Meditation This is a perfect time to explore your spirituality. Raising your vibration in order to stay grounded and uplifted. It’ll also help bring in the love that you need in your life. First visualize everything that you want and write it down in a journal. Keeping this handy at all times to reflect back. Also making a vision board as I’ve mentioned many times in the past can help with affirmations and visualizations. Visualizing and praying for love is the key for manifesting your dreams with love. Pay attention to signs We are continuously trying to move forward. And being shown messages through numbers and signs will pop up on her soul journey. This is part of the inspiration coming from above to help us and guide us on every level. These messages don’t necessarily have a specific meaning but they do have a potential for more to come. The best thing to do is write them down and meditate over them. This will help increase the energies that are being given and interpreted through a spiritual reading. Paying attention to songs that you may hear in random places, though you may know this song very well, there may be a hidden message behind it. Always believe in love, the magic is within you, but if you are not focused. You will be losing out on the most beautiful light inside you! Valentine’s Day can be a very magical experience, not just with a divine partner but with Family and friends who are dear to you.

There are many different types of soulmate connections that enter our lives.

I know that this can all be so confusing. But I will give you a little insight on what each of them mean.

Soulmate bond is very deep and we can have this connection with more than one person. There are also  soul contracts to help you fulfill your life destiny.

Many times we are connected to these soulmates and live many years. Many times life partnerships. WhereTwin flames  are a little different but still part of the Soul connections collective.

Twin flames

are one soul split into two. Your other half. We actually go through life trying to reunite and get our life path balanced.

Many times, twin flames do not meet up in a lifetime and are skipped to the next. There is about a 50% chance that you will meet your twin flame. It’s never good to go look for a specific type of soulmate, twin flame, Past Life or karmic connection.

Your destiny is meant for you to be with the perfect partner and it’s not meant for you to choose what type of soul connection you both should have.

Yes, we do have more than one Soulmate, but only one Twin flame. The thing to remember is that every soul connection is not meant to be a romantic partner, sometimes it is a soul companion. When they enter our lives, it is to help us create an imprint in our souls. This is the main reason it’s highly advisable not to go searching for a specific type of soul connection that appeals to you. The differences between Soulmates and Twin flames. They can mimic each other, but for Twin flames, you only have one that is a soul split into two halves. They also go through lifetimes to get it right and come into a union. Twin flames are made of two parts, the divine masculine, and the divine feminine. This does not mean that it is a specific type of gender. They are two halves merging as one. Twin flames face challenges but never disconnect from each other. There is physical and spiritual energy coming into space in perfect alignment. Signs of meeting your Twin flame. There will be unexplainable and compelling energy to one another. They are very drawn to each other and may not realize what is happening between them both. But know that they are extremely attracted to each other with an enormous amount of chemistry. Communication is continuously flowing. They start to understand that this is definitely a strong soul connection that they can even finish one another’s sentences. This is a very magnetic energetic time. They are very sexual and magnetic forces between them. The intimacy not to mention the sex is extremely powerful more than anyone you can ever experience with. Even if they are with other people in different relationships, they feel the chemistry and energy continuously no matter what their situation is. They think about each other 24/7. They are constantly feeling one another and thinking of each other, this is an energy reciprocation that is continuous. Different cultures and age differences. This is the main reason why you cannot pick what type of soul connection is ideal and focusing on a specific type is going to prevent you from meeting your divine counterpart. Finding one another while you’re in junior high but always kept them deep in your heart. You may have gone on with your life and always had them deep inside your heart. Having them re-enter your life after so many years of living your life and even building a family. Finding your divine counterpart will actually feel as if you have never broken up and the connection will continue as if nothing happened. Mirroring your Twin flame. No matter what your situation and pest issues were, this is all part of the experience of meeting up with your other half. Twin flames can feel each other‘s pain, even physical ailments, along with the symptoms that are going on. There is an extreme magnetic pulling energy trying to bring you both together. People around you don’t understand your connection. Many will discourage you and confuse you, but you know deep in your heart that nothing is going to change what you feel. You may also develop spiritual gifts and become very empathic with others. Meeting your twin actually enhances your spiritual abilities and helps you to awaken to your true identity. You can feel them right next to you as if they are in the room with you. Twin flames share a telepathic bond, they can feel one another and communicate with each other without trying to. Many times showing up in each other's dreams and astral traveling to one another. The signs that a spiritual awakening is about to happen, you may be seeing numbers and names appear everywhere. This is all part of the confirmation from the universe telling you you’re working together to come into a perfect alignment with one another. No matter what is happening at this time with your twin, there’s an unconditional love that will never fade. No matter what chaos you may experience or challenges, nothing is going to cut the ties of disconnection. Twin flames sometimes are not the most harmonious relationship. They share a special bond that no other person has. Twin flames go through a transformation prior to divine union. This is part of their awakening as they release and surrender toxic energies with feelings and emotions that I have no longer serve a purpose with them. Twin flames lining their energies to come to a complete balance with one another. Twin flames need each other to merge as one. When you first meet your divine counterpart you know that this is going to be a life-changing experience. Whether it be with your Twin flame, Soulmate, or Twin ray. You know that this is completing and fulfilling your soul destiny.

What is a soulmate and a twin flame connection?

They belong to the same soul connection group, but are different.
Soulmates will help them learn lessons and find their true path.

Twin flames can go through a lot of chaos and negativity before they actually find harmony and peace with one another. Many times, it can take several years before they finally get through the purging and detoxing of negativity in their lives.

1111, 111 and 11 are powerful spiritual numbers. 1111 and 111 are messages from the Universe confirming that you’re on the right path with your divine counterpart (especially for Twin flames). 1 is the activation and manifestation of new beginnings to come. On these 1/1, 1/11 11/1, and 11/11 dates, it is also a very common time for Twin flames to have memorable events. For instance, I met my twin on 1/11/2002. It was a very intense journey as many of you know (you can also watch my video). You may be noticing these numbers more often as your intuition becomes stronger, along with other ascending numbers. This is a time when our higher selves communicate better with our angels and are able to pick up messages transformed into these numbers, along with visions, signs, and dreams. This is to encourage you to be motivated and open your intuition. You are going through an awakening and it’s best to continue to pay attention to these changes that you are feeling. When you see the numbers 1s along 2s for example 1212, they are here to let you know that something is about to occur and be prepared for changes. These numbers can be very intense when they are in different sequences. They’re combined with other messages. You can always get the interpretation from your guides and angels, or from a psychic reading. Meditation will also help you interpret these numbers through visions and flashes. It’s very difficult to try to understand each number you may be seeing, it’s a good idea to keep a journal. It’s a divine intervention to see so many different number sequences of 1111. You may be noticing them on alarm clocks, phones, license plates, TV... everywhere. These messages in that case are deeper for you. These numbers all continue to reoccur with many different types of 1s attached, letting you know that you’re connected to your higher self and to remain on this path. You also may be seeing a text message with a timestamp from your divine counterpart right at that moment. This can drive you crazy, trying to understand why am I seeing these numbers? It doesn’t have to be 1111, it can be 20 to 22, and 2323 and etc. no matter what the pattern comes up. It is the Universe and the Divine sending off numbers to you and letting you know that their personal message is being given to you. What does it mean for Tin flames? When receiving these numbers throughout the day, it is connecting you to your divine partner (Soulmate/Twin flame). There are spiritual transformations and healings about to take place, and you are receiving the messages as you are sending them back. This can only happen when you are feeling intuned with the number 1111 along with your Twin flame. These numbers can go on for a while popping up out of the blue. If you’re involved in a Runner & Chaser face, you may be noticing these numbers even stronger. It’s all about reuniting with your divine counterparts and inducing and awakening for both of you. Asking your angels and praying over these numbers can help, also meditating and focusing on your visions and dreams. Also whenever you see 1111 or any type of combination with the 11s, write them down and make a wish

What is stronger: Soulmates or twin flames?

They are all equal as in how important they are in your life. You may feel differently with each and every type of soul connection we meet. The Soulmate connection is a very deep energy that you share with someone. But both twin flames and soulmates actually have a deep intensity in their energy all together.

Twin flames share an intense soul connection that is filled with both a beautiful vitality and longevity within their spirit.
Soulmates can reflect many parts of us such as our family, friends, coworkers and even our pets.

The twin flames  is a blast of energy that changes your life when you meet your other half.
Your life will never be the same after meeting your twin flame, even if you are in a long term relationship with someone else.

Twin flames are a mirror of each other and they are the opposite of one another.

The Twin flame process requires separation prior to the union. Divine counterparts include Soulmates and Twin flames. The separation process is very necessary in order for the union to take place. Because of the release and surrendering, they are unable to be together as they work on themselves. We share many different types of Soulmate connections in our lifetimes. All are very unique and go through various processes in order for us to find our divine counterpart. Twin flames are very unique because they mirror the Soul of one another. You only have only one true Twin flame. Many times, Karmics flames may seem like the Twin flame. But they help grow and get you on your way to finding your divine counterpart. When you’re with a Karmic, there’s no way of finding out if a person is in fact your Twin or Karmic. The best way to tell is when you find your true Twin, only then your Karmic will be completely out of your heart. Twin flames are coming to a perfect alignment when they are together. But they must first examine and release ego along with negativities in order to emerge as one. Both lives will change at 360 degrees and will never be the same when you meet your divine counterpart. They will examine their souls completely and release old past wounds, any emotional conflict that triggers anger, sadness, pain, and negativity from their past. This is also the primary reason why the separation process is necessary in order to release these energies as they need to find one another with purity. When Twin flames get together, it isn’t really easy to let go of these issues. There will be an intense amount of energy and emotional feelings that get in the way. This is because of ego and other factors that can create chaos and causing Twin flames to disagree and unable to live in harmony until they are both ready. Separation with Twin flames experience chaos and drama. This can be a separation that may last a few weeks but also may go up to 20 years. It’s best not to put any type of timing on when and how Twin flames come together, simply because the amount of work they must do on themselves is different from others. Twin flame & divine partners challenges are a mystery. There can be intense pain, hurt, and feeling of rejection. They can change overnight once the union happens and they forget any type of negativity they experience while in separation. The separation for many can be extremely difficult, but you can never sever ties or disconnect completely. They will need to purge through and start over again in their lives. Let it go and releasing to start and seeing a new chapter opens the door for Twin flame divine union. The awakening happens! When Twin flames finally can see one another energetically, they can see their higher selves and release ego and any blocks that may have hindered their union. Twin flames continue to search and seek one another. It can create a lot of emotional energy when the ego gets in the way. This is when separation is necessary for them to examine themselves and find their true authentic selves. When they are finally joined with their higher-self, they are able to activate the energy that bonds Twin flames together as one. This will help them understand one another to fill their true destiny with each other. Twin flames are not only about getting together and live happily ever life, it’s actually more than that. Being together is one of the perks but they are actually meant for more for the greater good in the World. They become a superpower couple! This is a very intense and beautiful experience for the divine Soulmate counterparts. So it may be very challenging at the beginning. It actually turns into living a higher frequency into the fifth dimension. Most Twin flames are not able to accept that they need to release their ego. This is a simple fact why it is Ego. The ego doesn’t want to hear they are wrong, nor that they will accept that they need to change something. This can build up a barrier and blockage from them coming into the union when they need to. This is the main reason why the union is usually followed by a separation period. When they finally work on themselves, the ego automatically is released and they heal properly, facing their own traumatic emotions and humbling their energies ready for divine union. Twin flames are continuously reciprocating telepathic communication to each other, but need to be more balanced and in tune with spirituality before they can intercept the messages. If you are in separation from your Twin or divine counterpart, I’m offering one free question

How do I know if I share a certain type of Soul bond, such as a Soulmate, karmic or Twin flame connection?

Soulmates, you can feel the energy right away and that something is about to happen in your life and you know that there is a connection there.You may have a lot in common and you both may find out that everything you do is very compatible.

Now twin flames are the center of your soul and this isn’t as simple as it seems to be with, actually they experience certain types of drama and difficulties while connecting.

This doesn’t have to be on a physical level, usually it’s when they try to communicate, they seem not to see eye to eye. With this type of connection, there are different phases such as the Runner and the Chaser stages.

With twin flames you may feel a very compelling kind of feeling, when you first meet them.

It’ll be almost like a lightbulb switched on and everything now makes sense, as why you had to experience negativity and turmoil in your life, prior to meeting them.

Twin flame can complete each other’s energy and feel intense sexually and emotionally bonding.

No matter what their life path has taken them prior to meeting their twin, they will find one another no matter what. But usually it happens after they have completed trials and tests by working on themselves spiritually.

Twin flames cannot come together unless they have worked on themselves and finally found peace inside their spirit.

Cord-cutting with your divine counterpart. Is it possible to cut ties with your Twin flame? This has been a very popular question for many. People every day try to cut away from their Twin flame or disconnect the connection. But it actually causes more pain and heartache. Karmic connections can actually mimic a Twin flame connection. Many times a karmic connection is sent to you to help you to move forward and prepare you for a divine union with your Twin. Many have called this a false twin, which does not truly exist. If it was never truly your Twin, to begin with, there’s no sense in calling it a false Twin. Twin flames originate from one divine soul source and then split into two separate souls. This all happened prior to your incarnation. Many times, there are different situations and cases that may cause challenges with coming into the union. Remember the Twin flame connection is about coming into union with your other half. Cutting ties and disconnecting cannot happen successfully. It can be a mind over matter that you find yourself thinking less and train yourself not to focus on your Twin if there is separation. But no one has ever successfully cut the ties. Not even in the afterlife. Why separation? This is another very popular question. Why do Twin flames need to go through separations when their love is unconditional? With everything happening especially in today’s world, the separation is part of finding their soul truth and higher self to evolve spiritually. Once they are ready, they are able to merge together as one. You say easier said than done. Being separated is not supposed to be a painful time, but actually healing and releasing from past emotional wounds. This happens for both Twins, and though it seems one gets the bad end of the stick, it’s actually both of them who are feeling exactly the same amount of heartache and pain. Depending on how much work needs to be done, this is where the pain can intensify. Getting ready for the union. There are many people who try to disconnect these ties but found that they were unsuccessful and are back to where they started, by feelings more pain and hurt. Know that you can’t successfully cut the ties from your divine counterpart or disconnect. Coping with the situation and dealing with the healing process is the key to a union and peace within yourself. The main purpose of coming together with the Soul connections is to open up their souls to one another and gain the strength of the energy of love they feel for one another. But in order to do this, they must release the emotional dysfunctional energy that they carry without realizing it. There is a silver cord attached to the seven chakras for Twin flames. They experience a high 5G frequency more than any other soul connection. The purpose of them to come together is to help and balance the greater good. They need to find inner peace and truth. They cannot live under the same roof if there is dysfunctional negative energy that they carry. This is the main reason why separation is so necessary for them to release and surrender until they are ready. This is a healing process because they are the other half of one another and need to awaken. They correct inside each other what is necessary in order to open and align their energies together as one. Disconnecting or cutting the ties with your Twin flame will feel as if you were amputating a part of your soul center. I know this sounds extreme, but it’s all about working on yourself to make things right and find forgiveness and love unconditionally for yourself. You also are being tested with many life lessons, as both of you go through this process, it may feel as if every day is a month. It doesn’t matter how long but that you work on yourself. It can take longer if you were not working on yourself correctly and spiritually. Nobody can tell you how to work on yourself or what your life lessons are. There are ego involved and emotions that can run wild when it comes to your Twin flame. For example, if you found someone coming up to you and telling you that you have life lessons to learn and you need to have more patience with yourself and others, to stop complaining but love yourself. Although this sounds like great advice, if somebody actually approached you without warning, your ego may fully change to defense mode. Release and surrender is the key. Know that constructive criticism is all part of the soul journey that you are on. Life lessons will happen throughout your whole life and they are to help you grow, especially when it comes to your divine counterpart and coming into Union. Spirituality is the key when it comes to evolving spiritually. Working with a soul coach, spiritualist, reiki master, psychic can help you find ways of finding your soul center along with aligning your chakras. Meditation is essential for healing. Meditating on a daily basis is essential for not only coming into union with your divine partner but with helping you find your inner truth and connect to your higher self to help you find a Perfect balance within yourself. This can also help you to telepathically communicate and connect with your divine counterpart or Twin flame. Messages will come through from your Twin Flame, and you are able to reciprocate. It is very powerful but takes time to be mastered. Either way, connecting to your higher self will help you to grow and evolve. Along with connecting to self-love and lifting your vibration is the key to the union.

Are twin flames toxic relationships?

It’s not toxic but it can’t feel that way when one twin is running from their own self.

They try to resist their connection, by even trying to cut the cords. In my experience, no one has ever been successful with cutting cords in a Twin flame connection.

Also many people cannot deal with the intensity of the energy. This requires spiritual healing and balancing within their soul center. I highly recommend meditation to help with the healing process.

Everyone has free will and we have choices, but after meeting your twin, it is very difficult to have the same feelings for someone else.

It’s better not to deny your twin flame connection but dealing and coping with the situation that is in front of you.

How can I find my Twin flame or Soulmate?

To be honest with you, it’s recommended that you don’t go searching for them. There are many reasons why you are meant to be with a specific type, for the time being and then later, being with another type. I see this change all the time and there’s no way to spiritually detect which one is best for you.

You are meant to be happy with someone and loved. Sometimes we are passing through with certain people, then the relationship fades and we move onto the next, and so on; so it’s better to just take it day by day with each person you meet.

What is a past life soulmate connection?

We are all sent into the world and brought here for a brief time.
We are passing through to make some decisions in our existence, until our last breath.

This is why many times you feel that “déjà vu” type of feeling with people or places and many times you know that this is something spiritual, through a dream and it all happens for a reason. Nothing is a coincidence!

How can you tell when we have a past life?

I believe in past lives and I know we have more than one. Many times we get impressions and flashes through visions and dreams. Going through the sleep cycle with the subconscious mind, we are actually opening ourselves to the soul center, like the way children are.

What is karmic energy?

Many times, they have a past life history and it can create a lot of negativity for them to live in harmony. Many times, they also mimic the twin flame connection. People may get mixed up with the twin flame and actually have met a false twin.

How will I know I’m not with my false twin flame?

The only way to know if that is a false twin is when you meet your True twin flame and usually this is very rare. But you want a soulmate to be a Twin flame and then later find out it was a karmic.

I know that it gets confusing when you can be with someone and think that they are your twin flame and then realize several years later after meeting your true twin that they were not your twin but actually a soulmate helping you to find your true twin flame.

If you have a question about your situation, I do offer one free question.

This goes to the new readers and subscribers to my blog.

Thank you for understanding. Just fill out the form below.

Soulmates & Twin flame relationships: Why is it so difficult to connect?

What’s the difference between a twin flame and a t soulmate Connection?

What's the difference between a twin flame and a t soulmate Connection?Twin flames are part of the soul connection collective.We have many Soulmates, they are sent to us.You may have a deep emotional connection that feels intense. Soulmates can be friends or romantic partners, many times even family members. Soulmates can understand each other on the same level.Sometimes even share past lives together. Soulmates will come and go into your life, many times mimicking what feels like a twin flame. Soulmates can also be your divine counterpart.The twin flame is an intense connection. Also, a part of you as it mirrors your soul. You are deeply connected to the core. Twin flames just like regular twins can feel each other’s energy and pain.As soon as you meet your twin flame, you know that this person is going to change your life forever. Sometimes twin flames can feel chaotic energy because of the fear they carry in a past situation, creating the runner and chaser phases.Twin flames know each other more than any other being in this world.They are the sole mirror of one another’s insecurities and energy. They can reflect on each other‘s emotions. If they are not ready to face their own fear, they can go on through lifetimes trying to come to terms with their own demons.Twin flames always end up together in the long term. Many times it can go through a lifetime trying to re-establish the connection. But they always find each other back home.Many times twin flames can be faced with separation. This pain can feel abandonment energies and trigger off past emotional conflicts.The separation is actually to help them release negativities in a longer serve them in order to come into divine union.The twin flame separation can bring benefits to the relationship in the long term.When they need to work on themselves, there are things that they need to release, and being together would only cause chaos in negativities between them too.Twin flames need to analyze their mistakes and how to correct them. Working on themselves simultaneously, they are able to find peace and serenity, preparing and creating balance in their life prior to divine Union.Many times separation can take a while, yes it can take years. Not everyone wants to hear this but everyone who is dealing with a twin flame separation or has their own soul journey. By achieving the union part of their journey, it’s only the beginning.There’s so much more work they need to work on with each other. Ultimately becoming a power couple. Adjusting to one another’s needs and knowing what one another needs to stay stable and grounded.Everything that happens in their lives, is actually a purpose for one another to help each other. This is a soul divine union mission, both twins are preparing to release and surrender energies that no longer serve them.There are many different stages when it comes to twin flames. The first stage is when you first realize there is somebody out there that is going to change your life forever.The second stage is when you actually find this person. The third stage is when you both can amplify each other on a higher level, getting to know one another. Sometimes these stages can also trigger the Runner and Chaser phases, creating separation as I mentioned earlier.You may wonder if a soulmate connection is better than a twin flame? Actually, this is not a choice that you can make, it is who you are destined to be with before you are incarnated. Yes, some people don’t meet their twin flame in a lifetime and many will know them right at the very beginning.Sometimes twin flame relationships can be toxic. Yes, you are mirroring your twin’s weaknesses and negativities.This is when separation is required for the spiritual awakening and to grow spiritually.

Twin flames are part of the soul connection collective.

We have many Soulmates, they are sent to us. You may have a deep emotional connection that feels intense. Soulmates can be friends or romantic partners, many times even family members. Soulmates can understand each other on the same level.

Sometimes even share past lives together. Soulmates will come and go into your life, many times mimicking what feels like a twin flame. Soulmates can also be your divine counterpart.

The twin flame is an intense connection. Also, a part of you as it mirrors your soul. You are deeply connected to the core. Twin flames just like regular twins can feel each other’s energy and pain.

As soon as you meet your twin flame, you know that this person is going to change your life forever. Sometimes twin flames can feel chaotic energy because of the fear they carry in a past situation, creating the runner and chaser phases.

What's the difference between a twin flame and a t soulmate Connection?Twin flames are part of the soul connection collective.We have many Soulmates, they are sent to us.You may have a deep emotional connection that feels intense. Soulmates can be friends or romantic partners, many times even family members. Soulmates can understand each other on the same level.Sometimes even share past lives together. Soulmates will come and go into your life, many times mimicking what feels like a twin flame. Soulmates can also be your divine counterpart.The twin flame is an intense connection. Also, a part of you as it mirrors your soul. You are deeply connected to the core. Twin flames just like regular twins can feel each other’s energy and pain.As soon as you meet your twin flame, you know that this person is going to change your life forever. Sometimes twin flames can feel chaotic energy because of the fear they carry in a past situation, creating the runner and chaser phases.Twin flames know each other more than any other being in this world.They are the sole mirror of one another’s insecurities and energy. They can reflect on each other‘s emotions. If they are not ready to face their own fear, they can go on through lifetimes trying to come to terms with their own demons.Twin flames always end up together in the long term. Many times it can go through a lifetime trying to re-establish the connection. But they always find each other back home.Many times twin flames can be faced with separation. This pain can feel abandonment energies and trigger off past emotional conflicts.The separation is actually to help them release negativities in a longer serve them in order to come into divine union.The twin flame separation can bring benefits to the relationship in the long term.When they need to work on themselves, there are things that they need to release, and being together would only cause chaos in negativities between them too.Twin flames need to analyze their mistakes and how to correct them. Working on themselves simultaneously, they are able to find peace and serenity, preparing and creating balance in their life prior to divine Union.Many times separation can take a while, yes it can take years. Not everyone wants to hear this but everyone who is dealing with a twin flame separation or has their own soul journey. By achieving the union part of their journey, it’s only the beginning.There’s so much more work they need to work on with each other. Ultimately becoming a power couple. Adjusting to one another’s needs and knowing what one another needs to stay stable and grounded.Everything that happens in their lives, is actually a purpose for one another to help each other. This is a soul divine union mission, both twins are preparing to release and surrender energies that no longer serve them.There are many different stages when it comes to twin flames. The first stage is when you first realize there is somebody out there that is going to change your life forever.The second stage is when you actually find this person. The third stage is when you both can amplify each other on a higher level, getting to know one another. Sometimes these stages can also trigger the Runner and Chaser phases, creating separation as I mentioned earlier.You may wonder if a soulmate connection is better than a twin flame? Actually, this is not a choice that you can make, it is who you are destined to be with before you are incarnated. Yes, some people don’t meet their twin flame in a lifetime and many will know them right at the very beginning.Sometimes twin flame relationships can be toxic. Yes, you are mirroring your twin’s weaknesses and negativities.This is when separation is required for the spiritual awakening and to grow spiritually.

Twin flames know each other more than any other being in this world.

They are the sole mirror of one another’s insecurities and energy. They can reflect on each other‘s emotions. If they are not ready to face their own fear, they can go on through lifetimes trying to come to terms with their own demons.

Twin flames always end up together in the long term. Many times it can go through a lifetime trying to re-establish the connection. But they always find each other back home.

Many times twin flames can be faced with separation. This pain can feel abandonment energies and trigger off past emotional conflicts.

The separation is actually to help them release negativities in a longer serve them in order to come into divine union.

What's the difference between a twin flame and a t soulmate Connection?Twin flames are part of the soul connection collective.We have many Soulmates, they are sent to us.You may have a deep emotional connection that feels intense. Soulmates can be friends or romantic partners, many times even family members. Soulmates can understand each other on the same level.Sometimes even share past lives together. Soulmates will come and go into your life, many times mimicking what feels like a twin flame. Soulmates can also be your divine counterpart.The twin flame is an intense connection. Also, a part of you as it mirrors your soul. You are deeply connected to the core. Twin flames just like regular twins can feel each other’s energy and pain.As soon as you meet your twin flame, you know that this person is going to change your life forever. Sometimes twin flames can feel chaotic energy because of the fear they carry in a past situation, creating the runner and chaser phases.Twin flames know each other more than any other being in this world.They are the sole mirror of one another’s insecurities and energy. They can reflect on each other‘s emotions. If they are not ready to face their own fear, they can go on through lifetimes trying to come to terms with their own demons.Twin flames always end up together in the long term. Many times it can go through a lifetime trying to re-establish the connection. But they always find each other back home.Many times twin flames can be faced with separation. This pain can feel abandonment energies and trigger off past emotional conflicts.The separation is actually to help them release negativities in a longer serve them in order to come into divine union.The twin flame separation can bring benefits to the relationship in the long term.When they need to work on themselves, there are things that they need to release, and being together would only cause chaos in negativities between them too.Twin flames need to analyze their mistakes and how to correct them. Working on themselves simultaneously, they are able to find peace and serenity, preparing and creating balance in their life prior to divine Union.Many times separation can take a while, yes it can take years. Not everyone wants to hear this but everyone who is dealing with a twin flame separation or has their own soul journey. By achieving the union part of their journey, it’s only the beginning.There’s so much more work they need to work on with each other. Ultimately becoming a power couple. Adjusting to one another’s needs and knowing what one another needs to stay stable and grounded.Everything that happens in their lives, is actually a purpose for one another to help each other. This is a soul divine union mission, both twins are preparing to release and surrender energies that no longer serve them.There are many different stages when it comes to twin flames. The first stage is when you first realize there is somebody out there that is going to change your life forever.The second stage is when you actually find this person. The third stage is when you both can amplify each other on a higher level, getting to know one another. Sometimes these stages can also trigger the Runner and Chaser phases, creating separation as I mentioned earlier.You may wonder if a soulmate connection is better than a twin flame? Actually, this is not a choice that you can make, it is who you are destined to be with before you are incarnated. Yes, some people don’t meet their twin flame in a lifetime and many will know them right at the very beginning.Sometimes twin flame relationships can be toxic. Yes, you are mirroring your twin’s weaknesses and negativities.This is when separation is required for the spiritual awakening and to grow spiritually.

The twin flame separation can bring benefits to the relationship in the long term.

When they need to work on themselves, there are things that they need to release, and being together would only cause chaos in negativities between them too.

Twin flames need to analyze their mistakes and how to correct them. Working on themselves simultaneously, they are able to find peace and serenity, preparing and creating balance in their life prior to divine Union.

Many times separation can take a while, yes it can take years. Not everyone wants to hear this but everyone who is dealing with a twin flame separation or has their own soul journey. By achieving the union part of their journey, it’s only the beginning.

What's the difference between a twin flame and a t soulmate Connection?Twin flames are part of the soul connection collective.We have many Soulmates, they are sent to us.You may have a deep emotional connection that feels intense. Soulmates can be friends or romantic partners, many times even family members. Soulmates can understand each other on the same level.Sometimes even share past lives together. Soulmates will come and go into your life, many times mimicking what feels like a twin flame. Soulmates can also be your divine counterpart.The twin flame is an intense connection. Also, a part of you as it mirrors your soul. You are deeply connected to the core. Twin flames just like regular twins can feel each other’s energy and pain.As soon as you meet your twin flame, you know that this person is going to change your life forever. Sometimes twin flames can feel chaotic energy because of the fear they carry in a past situation, creating the runner and chaser phases.Twin flames know each other more than any other being in this world.They are the sole mirror of one another’s insecurities and energy. They can reflect on each other‘s emotions. If they are not ready to face their own fear, they can go on through lifetimes trying to come to terms with their own demons.Twin flames always end up together in the long term. Many times it can go through a lifetime trying to re-establish the connection. But they always find each other back home.Many times twin flames can be faced with separation. This pain can feel abandonment energies and trigger off past emotional conflicts.The separation is actually to help them release negativities in a longer serve them in order to come into divine union.The twin flame separation can bring benefits to the relationship in the long term.When they need to work on themselves, there are things that they need to release, and being together would only cause chaos in negativities between them too.Twin flames need to analyze their mistakes and how to correct them. Working on themselves simultaneously, they are able to find peace and serenity, preparing and creating balance in their life prior to divine Union.Many times separation can take a while, yes it can take years. Not everyone wants to hear this but everyone who is dealing with a twin flame separation or has their own soul journey. By achieving the union part of their journey, it’s only the beginning.There’s so much more work they need to work on with each other. Ultimately becoming a power couple. Adjusting to one another’s needs and knowing what one another needs to stay stable and grounded.Everything that happens in their lives, is actually a purpose for one another to help each other. This is a soul divine union mission, both twins are preparing to release and surrender energies that no longer serve them.There are many different stages when it comes to twin flames. The first stage is when you first realize there is somebody out there that is going to change your life forever.The second stage is when you actually find this person. The third stage is when you both can amplify each other on a higher level, getting to know one another. Sometimes these stages can also trigger the Runner and Chaser phases, creating separation as I mentioned earlier.You may wonder if a soulmate connection is better than a twin flame? Actually, this is not a choice that you can make, it is who you are destined to be with before you are incarnated. Yes, some people don’t meet their twin flame in a lifetime and many will know them right at the very beginning.Sometimes twin flame relationships can be toxic. Yes, you are mirroring your twin’s weaknesses and negativities.This is when separation is required for the spiritual awakening and to grow spiritually.

There’s so much more work they need to work on with each other.

Ultimately becoming a power couple. Adjusting to one another’s needs and knowing what one another needs to stay stable and grounded.

Everything that happens in their lives, is actually a purpose for one another to help each other. This is a soul divine union mission, both twins are preparing to release and surrender energies that no longer serve them.

There are many different stages when it comes to twin flames. The first stage is when you first realize there is somebody out there that is going to change your life forever.

Venus retrograde has a deep impact on Soulmates and Twin flames. The planet of love, peace and harmony rules over beauty and love in your life. Venus retrograde is on12/19 and ends on 01/29. These energetic influences will have a deep impact on love relationships (especially Soulmates and Twin flames). It is under the sign of the capricorn. Creating a deep impact and heightened energies with love. Along with the winter solstice tomorrow. Your emotions may be off the charts. You may already be feeling it's effect in pre-shadow (2 weeks prior), Similar to Mercury going retrograde, but except Mercury is about communication and travel, along with business where Venus is about love relationships. More intense if you have venus in your astrology chart (Taurus and Libra). You might find it familiar with Mercury going into retrograde, except Mercury is about communication and travel, along with business where Venus is about relationships. You may find yourself second-guessing your relationship, or find yourself checking social media and coming to conclusions. Be very cautious, as things are not what they seem on the surface. You will find yourself in a vicious cycle. Wanting to seal label and lock in a relationship. By making things official, this can also lead to arguments and disagreements. Never trying to get closure or clarity on your relationship during Venus retrograde. Love and romance is heightened. Commitments Be advised, avoid getting engaged or even get married during Venus retrograde as things can become very difficult. Also the same goes for breaking up or taking a break from a relationship. As words can get lost and the energy can go haywire right when it comes to love, you may regret saying certain things to your partner. For Twin flames meeting up for the first time or coming into the divine union during Venus retrograde, it is even stronger. It’s highly recommend to take any relationship at a slow pace, not jumping into anything deep or committed as it may create challenges and anxiety. Past relationships returning. This is something also that happens during Venus retrograde, just be aware that it may just be the heightens energy with love. Just keep in mind the dates and take it slow, it might just be a one time fling coming back and as easier comes back, it will leave the same way. Venus retrograde will bring up nostalgia for past situations. Also if you have these astrological signs Taurus and Libra in your chart, you will feel it even stronger. Venus Retrograde puts a lot of pressure on the Twin flame Collective. It makes it very difficult to find peace when you are with your divine counterpart. Remain positive and spiritual during this time and avoid any deep confrontation and discussions until the Venus retrograde is completed. Venus retrograde amplifies emotional energy. Be very careful with your choice of words if you become agitated from your divine partner or any type of relationship for that matter. There will be flareups even with people who are close to you. During the retrograde, love is amplified to a higher level with the retrograde; the best thing is to be aware and take control of your actions during this time. As we are all going through a difficult time with coping these times, The Holidays is a good time to reach out and communicate with loved ones especially during the retrograde. It helps bring uplifted emotional energy, even if it is a person that you have not spoken to in a while. Venus retrograde also represents finances. As everybody is going through challenges. Venus retrograde can actually accelerate an all-new beginning when it comes to business. When things break apart, something new will begin. It’s a good time to rearrange and find a new strategic plan for the future and 2022. Starting over again doesn’t mean going from scratch but when you put together small savings, it amplifies energies with bigger savings. For example, starting with a small amount to ignite the energy for larger amounts in the future. Venus retrograde can influence your weight. Yes be carful during those Holiday parties! It’s really easy to gain weight, but with the Venus retrograde, you can start craving sugary and sweets more than ever before. So try to keep things under control when it comes to sweet treats. Find what works for you and stick to it, especially as we are coming to a brand new and amazing new year soon.

The second stage is when you actually find this person.

The third stage is when you both can amplify each other on a higher level, getting to know one another. Sometimes these stages can also trigger the Runner and Chaser phases, creating separation as I mentioned earlier.

What's the difference between a twin flame and a t soulmate Connection?Twin flames are part of the soul connection collective.We have many Soulmates, they are sent to us.You may have a deep emotional connection that feels intense. Soulmates can be friends or romantic partners, many times even family members. Soulmates can understand each other on the same level.Sometimes even share past lives together. Soulmates will come and go into your life, many times mimicking what feels like a twin flame. Soulmates can also be your divine counterpart.The twin flame is an intense connection. Also, a part of you as it mirrors your soul. You are deeply connected to the core. Twin flames just like regular twins can feel each other’s energy and pain.As soon as you meet your twin flame, you know that this person is going to change your life forever. Sometimes twin flames can feel chaotic energy because of the fear they carry in a past situation, creating the runner and chaser phases.Twin flames know each other more than any other being in this world.They are the sole mirror of one another’s insecurities and energy. They can reflect on each other‘s emotions. If they are not ready to face their own fear, they can go on through lifetimes trying to come to terms with their own demons.Twin flames always end up together in the long term. Many times it can go through a lifetime trying to re-establish the connection. But they always find each other back home.Many times twin flames can be faced with separation. This pain can feel abandonment energies and trigger off past emotional conflicts.The separation is actually to help them release negativities in a longer serve them in order to come into divine union.The twin flame separation can bring benefits to the relationship in the long term.When they need to work on themselves, there are things that they need to release, and being together would only cause chaos in negativities between them too.Twin flames need to analyze their mistakes and how to correct them. Working on themselves simultaneously, they are able to find peace and serenity, preparing and creating balance in their life prior to divine Union.Many times separation can take a while, yes it can take years. Not everyone wants to hear this but everyone who is dealing with a twin flame separation or has their own soul journey. By achieving the union part of their journey, it’s only the beginning.There’s so much more work they need to work on with each other. Ultimately becoming a power couple. Adjusting to one another’s needs and knowing what one another needs to stay stable and grounded.Everything that happens in their lives, is actually a purpose for one another to help each other. This is a soul divine union mission, both twins are preparing to release and surrender energies that no longer serve them.There are many different stages when it comes to twin flames. The first stage is when you first realize there is somebody out there that is going to change your life forever.The second stage is when you actually find this person. The third stage is when you both can amplify each other on a higher level, getting to know one another. Sometimes these stages can also trigger the Runner and Chaser phases, creating separation as I mentioned earlier.You may wonder if a soulmate connection is better than a twin flame? Actually, this is not a choice that you can make, it is who you are destined to be with before you are incarnated. Yes, some people don’t meet their twin flame in a lifetime and many will know them right at the very beginning.Sometimes twin flame relationships can be toxic. Yes, you are mirroring your twin’s weaknesses and negativities.This is when separation is required for the spiritual awakening and to grow spiritually.

You may wonder if a soulmate connection is better than a twin flame? 

Actually, this is not a choice that you can make, it is who you are destined to be with before you are incarnated. Yes, some people don’t meet their twin flame in a lifetime and many will know them right at the very beginning.

Sometimes twin flame relationships can be toxic. Yes, you are mirroring your twin’s weaknesses and negativities.

This is when separation is required for the spiritual awakening and to grow spiritually.

If you have a question about your situation, I do offer one free question.

This goes to the new readers and subscribers to my blog.

Thank you for understanding. Just fill out the form below.

Twin flame : Runner/Chaser – Coming into Divine Union

Twin flame Runner & Chaser stages can happen with all divine counterparts.

The Runner & Chaser stages can happen with all divine counterparts. Twin flames dynamics involves extreme energy surges prior to the union. As with all divine partners, they can all mimic Twin flames. With Twin flames, they require that both twins be ready. As they start to merge as one, they’re working on themselves with eliminating everything that they’ve accumulated all of their lives. Life lessons they must learn. If they’re angry with themselves, it has to do with abandonment issues, anger, and fear-based energy from their past. They carry past old wounds as sometimes they have not been healed, and this can create a huge conflict when they are entering into a union. They need to first come to our ascension energetically, weakening their souls with each other, in order for them to merge together as one into a higher frequency, which is the 5D level. Twin flame separation? It's very painful. As they feel that everything is lost, this is when they are the most triggered.  They are detaching from one another to work on themselves.There can be negative and harsh words said to each other, many times out of fear. When Twin flames are separated, they feel severe emotional pain. As their spirit is compelled to each other, it’s a process of understanding as they navigate their energy together prior to the union. Can they cut cords? They will try to cut the cords and disconnect, but it will only hurt them even more as they find it impossible to disconnect.   It’s better to cope with the phases versus trying to cut it off. There’s really no exact timing on how long the separation will last. No one can actually predict when they will finally come together as they both need to work on themselves.   When you start working on your life lessons, the sooner the union will begin. As your Twin starts to feel your energy, you automatically send a signal that everything is OK. It can take several years before they finally find the union. I know this is very hard to hear but very true. It all depends on how much work you need to do on yourself to get past your life lessons and help your twin to ascension. How do I work on myself? The first step is love yourself, I know it sounds really simple but so true that many people don’t know how to love themselves. When you start to really love yourself, you automatically trigger sparks that your Twin will automatically feel.  Twin flames cannot enter into a union.When Twin flames are constantly debating and arguing and it will prolong the union. This is why we talk about separating in order to work on themselves separately so that they can find their true spiritual path. How do I know this is a true Twin? For one, if you have to convince or ask yourself this question, chances are this is not your person or divine counterpart.When you do meet your Twin flame, you will instantly feel something change inside you and your life will never be the same. We are sent several different types of Soul connections to help us grow and evolve spiritually. Not everybody is going to meet their Twin flame, or Twin Ray.But it is “Your person” and who you were meant to share your life with. This can come from any of the Soul Connection Collective.Often referred to your Soulmates, Twin flame, Twin Ray or eternal Soul connection.The runner is running from their own truth.When you first meet your Twin flame.  It will feel as if you were looking into a soul mirror of yourself.It may be scary at first and you may feel like you’re on your honeymoon when you are with them. As they start to come together, they realize that they are facing their authentic true self. Does a Twin flame return? You will always miss your Twin flame and look for them when they are apart from you, and many times trying to find ways to either speed the process or cut the ties.  The stages are not about cutting off or speeding the process but eliminating what is necessary in order to come to the union. If your Twin has narcissist behavior, this is often triggered by emotional fear and abandonment issues. Twin flames work towards ascension and awakening. As they come into alignment with the higher selves, they find themselves feeling more alive and awake and then ever. When one awakens before the other. As I mentioned, Love is the key, meditation is also another key factor in order to connect Twin flames to their higher selves. Healing and feeling love is the first step when they begin to awaken.Ego plays a big part in triggering off negativity and emotions bringing up internal conflicts. Raising your vibration is part of the reciprocation with their energies uniting.It’s all about letting go of all past wounds, meditation, love, and self-care. This will help with the transition of coming into the Union.

Twin flame dynamics involves extreme energy surges prior to the union.
As with all divine partners, they can all mimic Twin flames.

With Twin flames, they require that both twins be ready. As they start to merge as one. They’re working on themselves with eliminating everything that they’ve accumulated all of their lives.
Life lessons they must learn.

If they’re angry with themselves, it has to do with abandonment issues, anger, and fear-based energy from their past.

They carry past old wounds as sometimes they have not been healed. This can create a huge conflict when they are entering into a union.

They need to first come to our ascension energetically, weakening their souls with each other, in order for them to merge together as one into a higher frequency, which is the 5D level.

The Runner & Chaser stages can happen with all divine counterparts. Twin flames dynamics involves extreme energy surges prior to the union. As with all divine partners, they can all mimic Twin flames. With Twin flames, they require that both twins be ready. As they start to merge as one, they’re working on themselves with eliminating everything that they’ve accumulated all of their lives. Life lessons they must learn. If they’re angry with themselves, it has to do with abandonment issues, anger, and fear-based energy from their past. They carry past old wounds as sometimes they have not been healed, and this can create a huge conflict when they are entering into a union. They need to first come to our ascension energetically, weakening their souls with each other, in order for them to merge together as one into a higher frequency, which is the 5D level. Twin flame separation? It's very painful. As they feel that everything is lost, this is when they are the most triggered.  They are detaching from one another to work on themselves.There can be negative and harsh words said to each other, many times out of fear. When Twin flames are separated, they feel severe emotional pain. As their spirit is compelled to each other, it’s a process of understanding as they navigate their energy together prior to the union. Can they cut cords? They will try to cut the cords and disconnect, but it will only hurt them even more as they find it impossible to disconnect.   It’s better to cope with the phases versus trying to cut it off. There’s really no exact timing on how long the separation will last. No one can actually predict when they will finally come together as they both need to work on themselves.   When you start working on your life lessons, the sooner the union will begin. As your Twin starts to feel your energy, you automatically send a signal that everything is OK. It can take several years before they finally find the union. I know this is very hard to hear but very true. It all depends on how much work you need to do on yourself to get past your life lessons and help your twin to ascension. How do I work on myself? The first step is love yourself, I know it sounds really simple but so true that many people don’t know how to love themselves. When you start to really love yourself, you automatically trigger sparks that your Twin will automatically feel.  Twin flames cannot enter into a union.When Twin flames are constantly debating and arguing and it will prolong the union. This is why we talk about separating in order to work on themselves separately so that they can find their true spiritual path. How do I know this is a true Twin? For one, if you have to convince or ask yourself this question, chances are this is not your person or divine counterpart.When you do meet your Twin flame, you will instantly feel something change inside you and your life will never be the same. We are sent several different types of Soul connections to help us grow and evolve spiritually. Not everybody is going to meet their Twin flame, or Twin Ray.But it is “Your person” and who you were meant to share your life with. This can come from any of the Soul Connection Collective.Often referred to your Soulmates, Twin flame, Twin Ray or eternal Soul connection.The runner is running from their own truth.When you first meet your Twin flame.  It will feel as if you were looking into a soul mirror of yourself.It may be scary at first and you may feel like you’re on your honeymoon when you are with them. As they start to come together, they realize that they are facing their authentic true self. Does a Twin flame return? You will always miss your Twin flame and look for them when they are apart from you, and many times trying to find ways to either speed the process or cut the ties.  The stages are not about cutting off or speeding the process but eliminating what is necessary in order to come to the union. If your Twin has narcissist behavior, this is often triggered by emotional fear and abandonment issues. Twin flames work towards ascension and awakening. As they come into alignment with the higher selves, they find themselves feeling more alive and awake and then ever. When one awakens before the other. As I mentioned, Love is the key, meditation is also another key factor in order to connect Twin flames to their higher selves. Healing and feeling love is the first step when they begin to awaken.Ego plays a big part in triggering off negativity and emotions bringing up internal conflicts. Raising your vibration is part of the reciprocation with their energies uniting.It’s all about letting go of all past wounds, meditation, love, and self-care. This will help with the transition of coming into the Union.

Twin flame separation?

It’s very painful. As they feel that everything is lost, this is when they are the most triggered. 
They are detaching from one another to work on themselves.There can be negative and harsh words said to each other, many times out of fear.

When Twin flames are separated, they feel severe emotional pain. As their spirit is compelled to each other, it’s a process of understanding as they navigate their energy together prior to the union.

The Twin flame process requires separation prior to the union. Divine counterparts include Soulmates and Twin flames. The separation process is very necessary in order for the union to take place. Because of the release and surrendering, they are unable to be together as they work on themselves. We share many different types of Soulmate connections in our lifetimes. All are very unique and go through various processes in order for us to find our divine counterpart. Twin flames are very unique because they mirror the Soul of one another. You only have only one true Twin flame. Many times, Karmics flames may seem like the Twin flame. But they help grow and get you on your way to finding your divine counterpart. When you’re with a Karmic, there’s no way of finding out if a person is in fact your Twin or Karmic. The best way to tell is when you find your true Twin, only then your Karmic will be completely out of your heart. Twin flames are coming to a perfect alignment when they are together. But they must first examine and release ego along with negativities in order to emerge as one. Both lives will change at 360 degrees and will never be the same when you meet your divine counterpart. They will examine their souls completely and release old past wounds, any emotional conflict that triggers anger, sadness, pain, and negativity from their past. This is also the primary reason why the separation process is necessary in order to release these energies as they need to find one another with purity. When Twin flames get together, it isn’t really easy to let go of these issues. There will be an intense amount of energy and emotional feelings that get in the way. This is because of ego and other factors that can create chaos and causing Twin flames to disagree and unable to live in harmony until they are both ready. Separation with Twin flames experience chaos and drama. This can be a separation that may last a few weeks but also may go up to 20 years. It’s best not to put any type of timing on when and how Twin flames come together, simply because the amount of work they must do on themselves is different from others. Twin flame & divine partners challenges are a mystery. There can be intense pain, hurt, and feeling of rejection. They can change overnight once the union happens and they forget any type of negativity they experience while in separation. The separation for many can be extremely difficult, but you can never sever ties or disconnect completely. They will need to purge through and start over again in their lives. Let it go and releasing to start and seeing a new chapter opens the door for Twin flame divine union. The awakening happens! When Twin flames finally can see one another energetically, they can see their higher selves and release ego and any blocks that may have hindered their union. Twin flames continue to search and seek one another. It can create a lot of emotional energy when the ego gets in the way. This is when separation is necessary for them to examine themselves and find their true authentic selves. When they are finally joined with their higher-self, they are able to activate the energy that bonds Twin flames together as one. This will help them understand one another to fill their true destiny with each other. Twin flames are not only about getting together and live happily ever life, it’s actually more than that. Being together is one of the perks but they are actually meant for more for the greater good in the World. They become a superpower couple! This is a very intense and beautiful experience for the divine Soulmate counterparts. So it may be very challenging at the beginning. It actually turns into living a higher frequency into the fifth dimension. Most Twin flames are not able to accept that they need to release their ego. This is a simple fact why it is Ego. The ego doesn’t want to hear they are wrong, nor that they will accept that they need to change something. This can build up a barrier and blockage from them coming into the union when they need to. This is the main reason why the union is usually followed by a separation period. When they finally work on themselves, the ego automatically is released and they heal properly, facing their own traumatic emotions and humbling their energies ready for divine union. Twin flames are continuously reciprocating telepathic communication to each other, but need to be more balanced and in tune with spirituality before they can intercept the messages. If you are in separation from your Twin or divine counterpart, I’m offering one free question

Can they cut cords?

They will try to cut the cords and disconnect. But it will only hurt them even more as they find it impossible to disconnect.  

It’s better to cope with the phases versus trying to cut it off. There’s really no exact timing on how long the separation will last. No one can actually predict when they will finally come together as they both need to work on themselves. 

When you start working on your life lessons, the sooner the union will begin. As your Twin starts to feel your energy, you automatically send a signal that everything is OK.

It can take several years before they finally find the union. I know this is very hard to hear but very true. It all depends on how much work you need to do on yourself to get past your life lessons. This will help your twin to ascension.

How to bring in love and prosperous energy for 2020

How do I work on myself?

The first step is love yourself. I know it sounds really simple but so true that many people don’t know how to love themselves. When you start to really love yourself, you automatically trigger sparks that your Twin will automatically feel. 

Twin flames cannot enter into a union.When Twin flames are constantly debating and arguing and it will prolong the union.

This is why we talk about separating in order to work on themselves separately so that they can find their true spiritual path.

Lunar eclipse full moon creates an incredible impact on divine counterparts (Soulmates & Twin flames). Every full moon is unique and has an effect on everyone. On July 4th 2020, there will be a thunder or full moon eclipse in Capricorn. This will create a very powerful effect that can be felt three days prior and three days after the full moon eclipse. As we are in the astrological sign of Cancer, and the full moon eclipse is in Capricorn, it will automatically create an extra sensitivity to emotional energy. With a combination of five Planets in retrograde, your senses also will be heightened and in need of changes and new beginnings. Divine counterparts will have a stronger sentimental streak with past energies and become more sensitive and emotionally vulnerable when it comes to their feelings. The Sun sign Cancer is very spiritual and this is an excellent time for meditating and setting positive intentions. The full moon lunar eclipse creates balance and the need to be grounded. As many of you know, full moons will have an effect on your energy, being heightened when it comes to loved ones. Be very cautious when you are communicating with people you care about and love. They may sometimes affect you emotionally, but you may see something that you did, not realizing that it offended them. Be very mindful of your words. Also, you can feel very sensitive and it’s best not to take anything personally. During this time with the Celestial events happening, it will have a strong impact on all Soulmates, Twin flames and divine counterparts. Many issues will be brought out in the open. So keep in mind that this influence of the full moon eclipse can create some disagreements. When you say something, try to say it with love and keep it right to the point. Many have called it the "Soulmate/Twin flame thunder moon”. Because of the energy and the effects it has on divine counterparts, there is an energy being brought out to the surface. Be prepared, as your love relationship can be affected by this full moon. It can create emotional upheaval and disagreement that can create a break in the relationship. For divine partners who are separated, reconciling is very high during retrogrades and especially with a full moon eclipse. It doesn’t matter if you are able to see it where you live, the energy will be in the Atmosphere. Eclipses also help with releasing and purging emotional negativities. This can also bring closure and restitution to find peace in your relationship. We’ve been seeing many shifts with divine partners over the last month and be prepared for the Lion's Gateway opening for love is this month, helping them reach 5D as they examine themselves. Reflecting on everything from their past, this is a time to release the ego and dominance. They are humbling themselves within their spirit by letting go of anything that affects them emotionally. There are also other types of relationships that can be impacted. It does not have to be only romantic but with people in general. The moon rules over emotions. Your emotions can be skyrocketed to the extreme, that you may feel centered. The lunar eclipse is the best time for working out unresolved issues, even if it has pain associated. There are many relationships that will benefit from expressing their truth. Eclipses are extreme emotional surges. Sometimes you may be triggered very easily and all past wounds can resurface. Remember that this is a time, if they came up it’s time to let them go and find inner strength by releasing the ego. That may be preventing you from evolving in your relationship. This is an excellent time to connect with your heart center, by spiritually tuning to your inner voice. You will be able to hear the messages that are being given to you. This is a very intense and spiritual lunar eclipse. Many times. the energy can linger on for a month. We are still recovering from the previous one. Eclipse season has been an emotional roller coaster. The psychic energy is heightened, this is the best time to give or get a reading. A perfect time for energy clearing, Reiki, Crystal cleansing, and meditation.

How do I know this is a true Twin?

For one, if you have to convince or ask yourself this question. Chances are this is not your person or divine counterpart.

When you do meet your Twin flame. You will instantly feel something change inside you and your life will never be the same.

We are sent several different types of Soul connections to help us grow and evolve spiritually.
Not everybody is going to meet their Twin flame, or Twin Ray. But it is “Your person” and who you were meant to share your life with.

This can come from any of the Soul Connection Collective. Often referred to your Soulmates, Twin flame, Twin Ray or eternal Soul connection. The runner is running from their own truth.When you first meet your Twin flame. 

It will feel as if you were looking into a soul mirror of yourself. It may be scary at first and you may feel like you’re on your honeymoon when you are with them.

As they start to come together, they realize that they are facing their authentic true self.

The Runner & Chaser stages can happen with all divine counterparts. Twin flames dynamics involves extreme energy surges prior to the union. As with all divine partners, they can all mimic Twin flames. With Twin flames, they require that both twins be ready. As they start to merge as one, they’re working on themselves with eliminating everything that they’ve accumulated all of their lives. Life lessons they must learn. If they’re angry with themselves, it has to do with abandonment issues, anger, and fear-based energy from their past. They carry past old wounds as sometimes they have not been healed, and this can create a huge conflict when they are entering into a union. They need to first come to our ascension energetically, weakening their souls with each other, in order for them to merge together as one into a higher frequency, which is the 5D level. Twin flame separation? It's very painful. As they feel that everything is lost, this is when they are the most triggered.  They are detaching from one another to work on themselves.There can be negative and harsh words said to each other, many times out of fear. When Twin flames are separated, they feel severe emotional pain. As their spirit is compelled to each other, it’s a process of understanding as they navigate their energy together prior to the union. Can they cut cords? They will try to cut the cords and disconnect, but it will only hurt them even more as they find it impossible to disconnect.   It’s better to cope with the phases versus trying to cut it off. There’s really no exact timing on how long the separation will last. No one can actually predict when they will finally come together as they both need to work on themselves.   When you start working on your life lessons, the sooner the union will begin. As your Twin starts to feel your energy, you automatically send a signal that everything is OK. It can take several years before they finally find the union. I know this is very hard to hear but very true. It all depends on how much work you need to do on yourself to get past your life lessons and help your twin to ascension. How do I work on myself? The first step is love yourself, I know it sounds really simple but so true that many people don’t know how to love themselves. When you start to really love yourself, you automatically trigger sparks that your Twin will automatically feel.  Twin flames cannot enter into a union.When Twin flames are constantly debating and arguing and it will prolong the union. This is why we talk about separating in order to work on themselves separately so that they can find their true spiritual path. How do I know this is a true Twin? For one, if you have to convince or ask yourself this question, chances are this is not your person or divine counterpart.When you do meet your Twin flame, you will instantly feel something change inside you and your life will never be the same. We are sent several different types of Soul connections to help us grow and evolve spiritually. Not everybody is going to meet their Twin flame, or Twin Ray.But it is “Your person” and who you were meant to share your life with. This can come from any of the Soul Connection Collective.Often referred to your Soulmates, Twin flame, Twin Ray or eternal Soul connection.The runner is running from their own truth.When you first meet your Twin flame.  It will feel as if you were looking into a soul mirror of yourself.It may be scary at first and you may feel like you’re on your honeymoon when you are with them. As they start to come together, they realize that they are facing their authentic true self. Does a Twin flame return? You will always miss your Twin flame and look for them when they are apart from you, and many times trying to find ways to either speed the process or cut the ties.  The stages are not about cutting off or speeding the process but eliminating what is necessary in order to come to the union. If your Twin has narcissist behavior, this is often triggered by emotional fear and abandonment issues. Twin flames work towards ascension and awakening. As they come into alignment with the higher selves, they find themselves feeling more alive and awake and then ever. When one awakens before the other. As I mentioned, Love is the key, meditation is also another key factor in order to connect Twin flames to their higher selves. Healing and feeling love is the first step when they begin to awaken.Ego plays a big part in triggering off negativity and emotions bringing up internal conflicts. Raising your vibration is part of the reciprocation with their energies uniting.It’s all about letting go of all past wounds, meditation, love, and self-care. This will help with the transition of coming into the Union.

Does a Twin flame return?

You will always miss your Twin flame and look for them when they are apart from you. Many times trying to find ways to either speed the process or cut the ties.

The stages are not about cutting off or speeding the process. But eliminating what is necessary in order to come to the union.
If your Twin has narcissist behavior, this is often triggered by emotional fear and abandonment issues.

The Runner & Chaser stages can happen with all divine counterparts. Twin flames dynamics involves extreme energy surges prior to the union. As with all divine partners, they can all mimic Twin flames. With Twin flames, they require that both twins be ready. As they start to merge as one, they’re working on themselves with eliminating everything that they’ve accumulated all of their lives. Life lessons they must learn. If they’re angry with themselves, it has to do with abandonment issues, anger, and fear-based energy from their past. They carry past old wounds as sometimes they have not been healed, and this can create a huge conflict when they are entering into a union. They need to first come to our ascension energetically, weakening their souls with each other, in order for them to merge together as one into a higher frequency, which is the 5D level. Twin flame separation? It's very painful. As they feel that everything is lost, this is when they are the most triggered.  They are detaching from one another to work on themselves.There can be negative and harsh words said to each other, many times out of fear. When Twin flames are separated, they feel severe emotional pain. As their spirit is compelled to each other, it’s a process of understanding as they navigate their energy together prior to the union. Can they cut cords? They will try to cut the cords and disconnect, but it will only hurt them even more as they find it impossible to disconnect.   It’s better to cope with the phases versus trying to cut it off. There’s really no exact timing on how long the separation will last. No one can actually predict when they will finally come together as they both need to work on themselves.  When you start working on your life lessons, the sooner the union will begin. As your Twin starts to feel your energy, you automatically send a signal that everything is OK. It can take several years before they finally find the union. I know this is very hard to hear but very true. It all depends on how much work you need to do on yourself to get past your life lessons and help your twin to ascension. How do I work on myself? The first step is love yourself, I know it sounds really simple but so true that many people don’t know how to love themselves. When you start to really love yourself, you automatically trigger sparks that your Twin will automatically feel.  Twin flames cannot enter into a union.When Twin flames are constantly debating and arguing and it will prolong the union. This is why we talk about separating in order to work on themselves separately so that they can find their true spiritual path. How do I know this is a true Twin? For one, if you have to convince or ask yourself this question, chances are this is not your person or divine counterpart.When you do meet your Twin flame, you will instantly feel something change inside you and your life will never be the same. We are sent several different types of Soul connections to help us grow and evolve spiritually. Not everybody is going to meet their Twin flame, or Twin Ray.But it is “Your person” and who you were meant to share your life with. This can come from any of the Soul Connection Collective.Often referred to your Soulmates, Twin flame, Twin Ray or eternal Soul connection.The runner is running from their own truth.When you first meet your Twin flame.  It will feel as if you were looking into a soul mirror of yourself.It may be scary at first and you may feel like you’re on your honeymoon when you are with them. As they start to come together, they realize that they are facing their authentic true self. Does a Twin flame return? You will always miss your Twin flame and look for them when they are apart from you, and many times trying to find ways to either speed the process or cut the ties. The stages are not about cutting off or speeding the process but eliminating what is necessary in order to come to the union. If your Twin has narcissist behavior, this is often triggered by emotional fear and abandonment issues. Twin flames work towards ascension and awakening. As they come into alignment with the higher selves, they find themselves feeling more alive and awake and then ever. When one awakens before the other. As I mentioned, Love is the key, meditation is also another key factor in order to connect Twin flames to their higher selves. Healing and feeling love is the first step when they begin to awaken.Ego plays a big part in triggering off negativity and emotions bringing up internal conflicts. Raising your vibration is part of the reciprocation with their energies uniting.It’s all about letting go of all past wounds, meditation, love, and self-care. This will help with the transition of coming into the Union.

Twin flames work towards ascension and awakening.

As they come into alignment with the higher selves, they find themselves feeling more alive and awake and then ever. When one awakens before the other.
As I mentioned. Love is the key, meditation is also another key factor in order to connect Twin flames to their higher selves.

Healing and feeling love is the first step when they begin to awaken. Ego plays a big part in triggering negativity and emotions bringing up internal conflicts.

Raising your vibration is part of the reciprocation with their energies uniting. It’s all about letting go of all past wounds, meditation, love, and self-care. This will help with the transition of coming into the Union.

If you have a question about your situation, I do offer one free question.

This goes to the new readers and subscribers to my blog.

Thank you for understanding. Just fill out the form below.

VENUS RETROGRADE: It’s affects Soulmates & Twin flames

Venus retrograde has a deep impact on Soulmates and Twin flames.

Venus retrograde has a deep impact on Soulmates and Twin flames.Venus retrogradeStarts on12/19 and ends on 01/29. These energetic influences will have a deep impact on love relationships (especially Soulmates and Twin flames). It is under the sign of the capricorn. Creating a deep impact and heightened energies with love. Along with the winter solstice tomorrow.
Your emotions may be off the charts. You may already be feeling it's effect in pre-shadow (2 weeks prior), Similar to Mercury going retrograde, but except Mercury is about communication and travel, along with business where Venus is about love relationships. More intense if you have  venus in your astrology chart (Taurus and Libra).You might find it familiar with Mercury going into retrograde, except Mercury is about communication and travel, along with business where Venus is about relationships.You will find second-guessing your relationship, or find yourself checking social media and coming to conclusions.Be very cautious, as things are not what they seem on the surface. You will find yourself in a vicious cycle.Wanting to seal label and lock in a relationship.By making things official, this can also lead to arguments and disagreements. Never trying to get closure or clarity on your relationship. Love and romance is heightened.Commitments Be advised, avoid getting engaged or even get married during the retrograde as things can become very difficult.
Also the same goes for breaking up or taking a break from a relationship.As words can get lost and the energy can go haywire right when it comes to love, you may regret saying certain things to your partner.
For Twin flames meeting up for the first time or coming into the divine union during retrograde,  it is even stronger.It’s highly recommend to take any relationship at a slow pace, not jumping into anything deep or committed as it may create challenges and anxiety.
Past relationships returning.This is something also that happens during retrograde, just be aware that it may just be the heightens energy with love.
Just keep in mind the dates and take it slow, it might just be a one time fling coming back and as easier comes back, it will leave the same way.Bring up nostalgia for past situations.Also if you have these astrological signs Taurus and Libra in your chart, you will feel it even stronger.Twin flame Collective.It makes it very difficult to find peace when you are with your divine counterpart. Remain positive and spiritual during this time and avoid any deep confrontation and discussions until the retrograde is completed.Amplifies emotional energy.
Be very careful with your choice of words if you become agitated from your divine partner or any type of relationship for that matter. There will be flareups even with people who are close to you.During the retrograde, love is amplified to a higher level with the retrograde; the best thing is to be aware and take control of your actions during this time.As we are all going through a difficult time with coping these times, The Holidays is a good time to reach out and communicate with loved ones especially during the retrograde. It helps bring uplifted emotional energy, even if it is a person that you have not spoken to in a while.Retrograde also represents finances. As everybody is going through challenges. It can actually accelerate an all-new beginning when it comes to business.When things break apart, something new will begin. It’s a good time to rearrange and find a new strategic plan for the future and 2022.Starting over again doesn’t mean going from scratch but when you put together small savings, it amplifies energies with bigger savings. 
For example, starting with a small amount to ignite the energy for larger amounts in the future.The Retrograde can influence your weight.
Yes be carful during those Holiday parties! It’s really easy to gain weight, but with the retrograde, you can start craving sugary and sweets more than ever before. So try to keep things under control when it comes to sweet treats.Find what works for you and stick to it, especially as we are coming to a brand new and amazing new year soon.

Venus retrograde

Starts on12/19 and ends on 01/29. These energetic influences will have a deep impact on love relationships (especially Soulmates and Twin flames). It is under the sign of the capricorn. Creating a deep impact and heightened energies with love. Along with the winter solstice tomorrow.

Your emotions may be off the charts. You may already be feeling it’s effect in pre-shadow (2 weeks prior). Similar to Mercury going retrograde, but except Mercury is about communication and travel. Along with business where Venus is about love relationships. More intense if you have Venus in your astrology chart (Taurus and Libra).

You might find it familiar with Mercury going into retrograde. except Mercury is about communication and travel. Along with business where Venus is about relationships.

You will find second-guessing your relationship, or find yourself checking social media and coming to conclusions.

Be very cautious, as things are not what they seem on the surface. You will find yourself in a vicious cycle.

Venus retrograde has a deep impact on Soulmates and Twin flames.Venus retrogradeStarts on12/19 and ends on 01/29. These energetic influences will have a deep impact on love relationships (especially Soulmates and Twin flames). It is under the sign of the capricorn. Creating a deep impact and heightened energies with love. Along with the winter solstice tomorrow.
Your emotions may be off the charts. You may already be feeling it's effect in pre-shadow (2 weeks prior), Similar to Mercury going retrograde, but except Mercury is about communication and travel, along with business where Venus is about love relationships. More intense if you have  venus in your astrology chart (Taurus and Libra).You might find it familiar with Mercury going into retrograde, except Mercury is about communication and travel, along with business where Venus is about relationships.You will find second-guessing your relationship, or find yourself checking social media and coming to conclusions.Be very cautious, as things are not what they seem on the surface. You will find yourself in a vicious cycle.Wanting to seal label and lock in a relationship.By making things official, this can also lead to arguments and disagreements. Never trying to get closure or clarity on your relationship. Love and romance is heightened.Commitments Be advised, avoid getting engaged or even get married during the retrograde as things can become very difficult.
Also the same goes for breaking up or taking a break from a relationship.As words can get lost and the energy can go haywire right when it comes to love, you may regret saying certain things to your partner.
For Twin flames meeting up for the first time or coming into the divine union during retrograde,  it is even stronger.It’s highly recommend to take any relationship at a slow pace, not jumping into anything deep or committed as it may create challenges and anxiety.
Past relationships returning.This is something also that happens during retrograde, just be aware that it may just be the heightens energy with love.
Just keep in mind the dates and take it slow, it might just be a one time fling coming back and as easier comes back, it will leave the same way.Bring up nostalgia for past situations.Also if you have these astrological signs Taurus and Libra in your chart, you will feel it even stronger.Twin flame Collective.It makes it very difficult to find peace when you are with your divine counterpart. Remain positive and spiritual during this time and avoid any deep confrontation and discussions until the retrograde is completed.Amplifies emotional energy.
Be very careful with your choice of words if you become agitated from your divine partner or any type of relationship for that matter. There will be flareups even with people who are close to you.During the retrograde, love is amplified to a higher level with the retrograde; the best thing is to be aware and take control of your actions during this time.As we are all going through a difficult time with coping these times, The Holidays is a good time to reach out and communicate with loved ones especially during the retrograde. It helps bring uplifted emotional energy, even if it is a person that you have not spoken to in a while.Retrograde also represents finances. As everybody is going through challenges. It can actually accelerate an all-new beginning when it comes to business.When things break apart, something new will begin. It’s a good time to rearrange and find a new strategic plan for the future and 2022.Starting over again doesn’t mean going from scratch but when you put together small savings, it amplifies energies with bigger savings. 
For example, starting with a small amount to ignite the energy for larger amounts in the future.The Retrograde can influence your weight.
Yes be carful during those Holiday parties! It’s really easy to gain weight, but with the retrograde, you can start craving sugary and sweets more than ever before. So try to keep things under control when it comes to sweet treats.Find what works for you and stick to it, especially as we are coming to a brand new and amazing new year soon.

Wanting to seal label and lock in a relationship.

By making things official, this can also lead to arguments and disagreements. Never trying to get closure or clarity on your relationship. Love and romance is heightened.


Be advised, avoid getting engaged or even get married during the retrograde as things can become very difficult.
Also the same goes for breaking up or taking a break from a relationship.

As words can get lost and the energy can go haywire when it comes to love. You may regret saying certain things to your partner.

For Twin flames meeting up for the first time or coming into the divine union during retrograde. It is even stronger.

It’s highly recommend to take any relationship at a slow pace. Not jumping into anything deep or committed as it may create challenges and anxiety.

Past relationships returning.

This is something also that happens during retrograde. Just be aware that it may just be the heightens energy with love.
Just keep in mind the dates and take it slow, it might just be a one time fling coming back and as easier comes back, it will leave the same way.

Bring up nostalgia for past situations.

Also if you have these astrological signs Taurus and Libra in your chart, you will feel it even stronger.

Twin flame Collective.

It makes it very difficult to find peace when you are with your divine counterpart. Remain positive and spiritual during this time and avoid any deep confrontation and discussions until the retrograde is completed.

Amplifies emotional energy.

Be very careful with your choice of words if you become agitated from your divine partner or any type of relationship for that matter. There will be flareups even with people who are close to you.

During the retrograde, love is amplified to a higher level with the retrograde; the best thing is to be aware and take control of your actions during this time.

As we are all going through a difficult time with coping these times. The Holidays is a good time to reach out and communicate with loved ones. Especially during the retrograde. It helps bring uplifted emotional energy. Even if it is a person that you have not spoken to in a while.

Retrograde also represents finances. As everybody is going through challenges. It can actually accelerate an all-new beginning when it comes to business.

When things break apart, something new will begin. It’s a good time to rearrange and find a new strategic plan for the future and 2022.

Starting over again doesn’t mean going from scratch but when you put together small savings. It amplifies energies with bigger savings. 
For example, starting with a small amount to ignite the energy for larger amounts in the future.

The Venus Retrograde can influence your weight.

Yes be carful during those Holiday parties! It’s really easy to gain weight. But with the retrograde, you can start craving sugary and sweets more than ever before. So try to keep things under control when it comes to sweet treats.

Find what works for you and stick to it. Especially as we are coming to a brand new and amazing new year soon.

If you have a question about your situation, I do offer one free question.

This goes to the new readers and subscribers to my blog.

Thank you for understanding. Just fill out the form below.

Twin flames: Working on Healing for Divine Unite

Divine counterparts (Soulmates & Twin flames) go through almost the same type of connecting process in order to come to  union.

The energy of soulmates is a relationship similar to a garden. When you plant the seed, nourish it and allow it to grow by working on yourself.

When you first meet up. The energy goes into a higher vibration frequency that actually nourishes your soul, the same way adding water is to your garden.

The key here is to love yourself and meditate on the love you’re feeling with that person. Correcting anything that needs to be eliminated out of your life. This allows you both to manifest and blossom your energy connection deeper. 

They have a unique connection to one another and no Soul Connection is exactly alike. They may be similar to one another. But all are unique and the intensity varies.

Divine counterparts and soul connections go through almost the same type of connecting process in order to come to  union.
The energy of soulmates is a relationship similar to a garden. When you plant the seed, nourish it and allow it to grow by working on yourself.When you first meet up. The energy goes into a higher vibration frequency that actually nourishes your soul, the same way adding water is to your garden.The key here is to love yourself and meditate on the love you’re feeling with that person. Correcting anything that needs to be eliminated out of your life. This allows you both to manifest and blossom your energy connection deeper. They have a unique connection to one another and no Soul Connection is exactly alike. They may be similar to one another. But all are unique and the intensity varies.Are Soulmates and/or twin flame connections honest with one another?Honesty is the best policy, that is my philosophy on life. Especially with your divine soulmate. When there is one that is in denial or running from something. They can block the truth that is in their heart. Thinking that this will be better for both of them. But actually it was the fear that they were running from that caused energy of dishonesty.The answer is they may not want to but sometimes it does happen. It doesn’t mean that they are less connected to you. They are just convincing themselves instead of looking at the truth that’s in their heart, another reason why they run from their true authentic self.Divine soulmates go through heartache and negativity trying to find themselves more than any other type of love relationship.There are many different cases and types of soul connections, but they all share one thing in common and that’s working on themselves to find harmony and peace with themselves in order to come to a divine union.Remember working on yourself takes time.Many times both soul connections are not ready but the ego tells them that they are. Causing conflict and a lot of drama in their relationship.
They both need to examine and humble themselves to each another in order to get along and come to a peaceful understanding with each other.How can two people that love each other so much, go through so much pain and negativity? This is very common and I see this all the time with many different types of soulmate Connections.In many soulmate Connections, the runner and Chase are stages that happen. The Runner usually has masculine energy and is the weaker vessel running from their own fears. And the chaser, the feminine being the stronger vessel.Please note that it doesn’t matter on your gender to be a runner or a chaser. I was a runner in my twin flame connection and you can read more also watch my video on YouTube.
I also have more articles on my blog, about runner and chaser stages that you may get a better understanding of if you are involved in one.There are negative and positive sides with every soul connection. So when there is any type of conflict actually it’s considered healthy. This makes them acknowledge their mistakes which usually comes from the ego.It also triggers their energy to look deeper inside themselves to find their authentic self. And at the same time getting more in touch with spirituality and appreciating the little things in their lives to come to a higher vibrational 5D level.Can soulmates and twin flames share personal thoughts?Yes! When we are connected as one, we can spiritually feel, and sometimes smell their scent when we are in tune with each other’s vibrations.Telepathic communication is very common with twin flames and they can complete each other's sentences at the same time send each other messages without even trying to.
This takes time to develop but in the end they can feel one another’s thoughts, energies and pick up strong vibrations from their other half.The first step to heal and connect with your Soulmate is loving yourself. But also take care of yourself.Letting go of any internal thoughts that may be negative or grudges helps with finding your true center. Getting healthy and avoiding processed and fast foods.Getting better with your food choices and illuminating anything with bad habits and maybe a time if you were smoking to quit. Or start getting into some more exercise. We can all find ways to get creative with working out.I highly recommend walking, it requires very little effort and you can do it anywhere.
Enjoying the outdoors and loving every season, even if it is spring weather all the way into winter, you can find beauty in every season.Love lives inside of you and it’s time to embrace everything who you are inside and allow the energies with your soulmate to manifest.

Are Soulmates and/or twin flame connections honest with one another?

Honesty is the best policy, that is my philosophy on life. Especially with your divine soulmate. When there is one that is in denial or running from something. They can block the truth that is in their heart. Thinking that this will be better for both of them. But actually it was the fear that they were running from that caused energy of dishonesty.

The answer is they may not want to but sometimes it does happen. It doesn’t mean that they are less connected to you. They are just convincing themselves instead of looking at the truth that’s in their heart, another reason why they run from their true authentic self.

Divine counterparts and soul connections go through almost the same type of connecting process in order to come to  union. The energy of soulmates is a relationship similar to a garden. When you plant the seed, nourish it and allow it to grow by working on yourself.When you first meet up. The energy goes into a higher vibration frequency that actually nourishes your soul, the same way adding water is to your garden.The key here is to love yourself and meditate on the love you’re feeling with that person. Correcting anything that needs to be eliminated out of your life. This allows you both to manifest and blossom your energy connection deeper. They have a unique connection to one another and no Soul Connection is exactly alike. They may be similar to one another. But all are unique and the intensity varies.Are Soulmates and/or twin flame connections honest with one another?Honesty is the best policy, that is my philosophy on life. Especially with your divine soulmate. When there is one that is in denial or running from something. They can block the truth that is in their heart. Thinking that this will be better for both of them. But actually it was the fear that they were running from that caused energy of dishonesty.The answer is they may not want to but sometimes it does happen. It doesn’t mean that they are less connected to you. They are just convincing themselves instead of looking at the truth that’s in their heart, another reason why they run from their true authentic self.Divine soulmates go through heartache and negativity trying to find themselves more than any other type of love relationship.There are many different cases and types of soul connections, but they all share one thing in common and that’s working on themselves to find harmony and peace with themselves in order to come to a divine union.Remember working on yourself takes time.Many times both soul connections are not ready but the ego tells them that they are. Causing conflict and a lot of drama in their relationship. They both need to examine and humble themselves to each another in order to get along and come to a peaceful understanding with each other.How can two people that love each other so much, go through so much pain and negativity? This is very common and I see this all the time with many different types of soulmate Connections.In many soulmate Connections, the runner and Chase are stages that happen. The Runner usually has masculine energy and is the weaker vessel running from their own fears. And the chaser, the feminine being the stronger vessel.Please note that it doesn’t matter on your gender to be a runner or a chaser. I was a runner in my twin flame connection and you can read more also watch my video on YouTube. I also have more articles on my blog, about runner and chaser stages that you may get a better understanding of if you are involved in one.There are negative and positive sides with every soul connection. So when there is any type of conflict actually it’s considered healthy. This makes them acknowledge their mistakes which usually comes from the ego.It also triggers their energy to look deeper inside themselves to find their authentic self. And at the same time getting more in touch with spirituality and appreciating the little things in their lives to come to a higher vibrational 5D level.Can soulmates and twin flames share personal thoughts?Yes! When we are connected as one, we can spiritually feel, and sometimes smell their scent when we are in tune with each other’s vibrations.Telepathic communication is very common with twin flames and they can complete each other's sentences at the same time send each other messages without even trying to. This takes time to develop but in the end they can feel one another’s thoughts, energies and pick up strong vibrations from their other half.The first step to heal and connect with your Soulmate is loving yourself. But also take care of yourself.Letting go of any internal thoughts that may be negative or grudges helps with finding your true center. Getting healthy and avoiding processed and fast foods.Getting better with your food choices and illuminating anything with bad habits and maybe a time if you were smoking to quit. Or start getting into some more exercise. We can all find ways to get creative with working out.I highly recommend walking, it requires very little effort and you can do it anywhere. Enjoying the outdoors and loving every season, even if it is spring weather all the way into winter, you can find beauty in every season.Love lives inside of you and it’s time to embrace everything who you are inside and allow the energies with your soulmate to manifest.

Divine soulmates go through heartache and negativity trying to find themselves more than any other type of love relationship.

There are many different cases and types of soul connections, but they all share one thing in common and that’s working on themselves to find harmony and peace with themselves in order to come to a divine union.

Remember working on yourself takes time.

Many times both soul connections are not ready but the ego tells them that they are. Causing conflict and a lot of drama in their relationship.
They both need to examine and humble themselves to each another in order to get along and come to a peaceful understanding with each other.

How can two people that love each other so much, go through so much pain and negativity? This is very common and I see this all the time with many different types of soulmate Connections.

In many soulmate Connections, the runner and Chase are stages that happen. The Runner usually has masculine energy and is the weaker vessel running from their own fears. And the chaser, the feminine being the stronger vessel.

Please note that it doesn’t matter on your gender to be a runner or a chaser. I also was a twin flames runner in my soul journey. You can read more also watch my video on YouTube.
I also have more articles on my blog, about runner and chaser stages that you may get a better understanding of if you are involved in one.

There are negative and positive sides with every soul connection. So when there is any type of conflict actually it’s considered healthy. This makes them acknowledge their mistakes which usually comes from the ego.

It also triggers their energy to look deeper inside themselves to find their authentic self. And at the same time getting more in touch with spirituality and appreciating the little things in their lives to come to a higher vibrational 5D level.

Can soulmates and twin flames share personal thoughts?

Yes! When we are connected as one, we can spiritually feel, and sometimes smell their scent when we are in tune with each other’s vibrations.

Telepathic communication is very common with twin flames and they can complete each other’s sentences at the same time send each other messages without even trying to.
This takes time to develop but in the end they can feel one another’s thoughts, energies and pick up strong vibrations from their other half.

The first step to heal and connect with your Soulmate is loving yourself. But also take care of yourself.

Letting go of any internal thoughts that may be negative or grudges helps with finding your true center. Getting healthy and avoiding processed and fast foods.

Getting better with your food choices and illuminating anything with bad habits and maybe a time if you were smoking to quit. Or start getting into some more exercise. We can all find ways to get creative with working out.

I highly recommend walking, it requires very little effort and you can do it anywhere.
Enjoying the outdoors and loving every season, even if it is spring weather all the way into winter, you can find beauty in every season.

Love lives inside of you and it’s time to embrace everything who you are inside and allow the energies with your soulmate to manifest.

If you have a question about your situation, I do offer one free question.

This goes to the new readers and subscribers to my blog.

Thank you for understanding. Just fill out the form below.

Soulmates, Karmic or Twin Flames? What’s the difference?

There are many different articles and information about topic Differences with Soulmates, Twin flames, soul twin, twin ray, or karmic

Soulmates, Twin flames, soul twin, twin ray, or karmics

You can find many articles online explaining the differences and if they ever come together. The fact is no one knows 100%.

The fact is that we are always connecting to our higher selves to meet with our divine partner and it doesn’t matter if you are in Union or not.

To clarify a few things to help those who are working on themselves to come into Union or perfect their divine union that includes soulmates.

There isn’t a false twin.

We can mistaken a karmic for the twin because they are very intense connections. Karmic connections don’t last. They come in a person’s life for a little while. This is to help them learn more on how to grow and correct the things in their lives in order to be with their true divine soul connection.

Karmics connections drain your Spirit, this is called energy vampires. You can feel those compelling feelings to make things work. It may feel hopeless, and the passion is gone. Soulmates all have purpose.

You ask if a divine partner could be a soulmate, twin flame, twin ray, or karmic?Differences with Soulmates, Twin flames or Karmic relationships.These are the common questions asked that I receive on a daily basis. There is also another very popular question and debate on how to know if it is a false twin or true twin flame?There are many different articles and information you can find explaining the differences and if they ever come together. The fact is no one knows anything at 100%. The fact is that we are always all reaching our higher selves to meet with our divine partner and it doesn’t matter if you are in Union or not.I just want to clarify a few things to help those who are working on themselves to come into Union or perfect their divine union.The first thing I will say is that there is no such thing of the false twin..We sometimes will mistake a karmic for the twin because they are intense connections. Also, karmic connections don’t usually last a long time. They can be in a person’s life for a little while. This is to help them learn more on how to grow and correct the things in their lives in order to be with their true divine soul connection.Karmics can drain your Spirit; many will call these energy vampires. You will always feel those compelling feelings to make things work, even though it may feel hopeless, and the passion is gone, and if something emotionally isn’t quite right.Twin flames have a similar effect when they are in the runner and chaser phases. This is why the confusion between what is called the false twin and a true twin.Twin flames will have challenges and difficulties within their union process. They do go through the separation, they work on themselves together.Karmic energies can mimic twin flame connections, but there is a difference. When their soul contract or lesson has been learned and achieved. They are freed from one another and ties are cut. There is, at the time, a sense of closure and a feeling of release.Karmic energy is very difficult to live with.Although they can be a romantic partner, there’s a lot of karmic ties that need to be met before they can find harmony. But it is not permanent and eventually, they will part ways. They are sent to us to grow and prepare for the union with our eternal soul connection.Do we have more than one karmic?The answer is yes and karmic connections come and go, but they are not meant to linger on for a long time in our lives.These people can be relationships that were in your past and they will remain in your past permanently.They created an energy of hurt and drama which you cannot go back as a karmic connection.With a twin flame, although they may cut off drastically, there’s always that magnetic pole that tries to pull them both together. No matter what their situation was.You will have complete closure when it comes to a karmic disconnection and of a soul contract.How do I know if this is a twin or false twin?As I mentioned, there really is no category for a false twin flame; only karmic connections would fall in the category of a false twin flame. It’s whatever you want to label it, but there really is no such thing of a false twin.There is only one true twin flame.It may be a difficult journey and a complicated one, but it is the most fulfilling and bliss energy you can feel.Twin flames along with karmic connections can have a narcissist behavior pattern, the two can become totally different.Nobody wants to be with their own narcissist. But many times, our divine partner leans towards this behavior pattern. We see it more and more lately, because of the mask or whatever they try to hide from; they reflect a narcissist's stage behavior.You ask, is this a true narcissist?The answer is yes and no. Although you can’t ignore the behavior, they are not truly narcissists. They can go back-and-forth with behaving this way, but because of the soulbond, they shield themselves with narcissist energy.Especially when your twin is not ready for a union. This can trigger old wounds inside both of you, creating a very powerful and intense emotional energy that pulls negativity and drama.Twin flames, the most mind-blowing love that you will ever experience?Yes and no, although it is a very beautiful and intense energy you could have with someone, not everyone will meet their twin in this lifetime. You can still experience a mind-blowing love with your divine soulmate.It’s never good to search out and seek a certain type or category of the soul collection that is ideal for you.Twin flames on a soul journey will see a series of signs. This will direct them in the right direction. These are synchronicities that are constantly merging them into a union.An awakening happens!As they both come together, there is an awakening that happens for both souls, as they start to realize that magnetic force, it triggers off fear, doubt and many times and emotional pain that they run from.This is the main reason why they need to work on themselves to release these old wounds and baggage that are accumulated with ego.This is all part of the soul energy process to prepare you both into a union. The karmic connection can be very intense but many times, it is a toxic energy that you may feel.This happens when there is so much to be released and purged between you both.Twin flames can also bring out this intense energy as well, but as they find a way to get past the drama in the heart, there is no way that anything or anyone can separate or pull them apart. Meeting various Soulmate Connections are part of our lives and we have more than one. They can be romantic or not, they have more of a comparable type of energy that you feel a light ignite inside of you. Divine Soul PartnerYou may ask why would I want to be with my twin flame if I can have this beautiful feeling with my soulmate?Exactly! This is why it’s never good to go out searching for a specific type as I’ve mentioned before. By doing this, you are preventing yourself from finding your eternal soul connection.We all have destiny pre-planned for our lives in this lifetime. Do we have free will? We can’t choose who the ideal divine soul love partner is. We can choose how we want our lives to be directed, but when there’s that energetic fall that you have with someone, there is no way that you will be able to resist the feeling or the connection.Trust your soul center. You know the truth.You can feel it deep inside your core, no one can tell you any different. Many times when there is even separation, the emotional pain is so intense that you want it to be over.Trying to cut ties will not work. It’s all part of a divine process that has to come through in order for you both to heal and release whatever it is that does not serve a purpose in your lives.Follow what your heart center is telling you. Don’t try to put so much emphasis on when and how it will come together, just that it is a divine process. Focus on the love and light inside your heart.
Twin flames go through changes when they are in the runner and chaser phases.

This is brings confusion between false twin and a true twin. Twin flames have challenges and difficulties within their union process. They can go through the separation, while they work on themselves together.

Karmics and some soulmates mimic twin flame. There is a difference. When their soul contract. They are freed from one another and ties are cut. There is, at the time, a sense of closure.

Karmics are very difficult to live with.

Although they can be a romantic partner. There’s karmic ties that need to be met before they can find harmony. But this is not permanent and eventually, they will disconnect. They are sent to us to grow and prepare for the union with our eternal soul connection.

We have more than one karmic?

The answer is yes and karmics can come and go, but they are not meant to linger on for a long time in our lives. These people can be relationships that were in your past and they will remain in your past permanently.

They created an energy of pain, chaos and drama. Twin flame may cut off drastically, there’s always that magnetic pull that tries to pull them both together. No matter what they are going through.

How to tell if this is a twin or false twin?

There really is no category for a false twin flames only karmic connections would fall in the category of a false twin flame. It’s a label, but there is no such thing of a false twin.

There is one true twin flame.

It may be a difficult journey and a complicated one, but it is the most fulfilling and bliss energy you can feel. Twin flames along with karmic connections can have a narcissist behavior pattern, the two can become totally different.

Nobody wants to be with a narcissist. But many times, our divine partner leans towards this behavior. We see it more and more lately, because of the mask or whatever they try to hide from; they reflect a narcissist’s stage behavior.

You ask, are they a true narcissist?

The answer is yes and no. Although you can’t ignore the behavior. They can go back-and-forth with behaving this way. But because of the soulbond, they shield themselves with narcissist energy.

Especially when your twin is not ready for a union. This triggers old wounds inside both of you, creating a very powerful and intense emotional energy that pulls negativity and drama.

Twin flames, the most mind-blowing love that you will ever experience?

It is a very beautiful and intense energy you could have with someone, not everyone will meet their twin in this lifetime. You can still experience a mind-blowing love with your divine soulmate.

Twin flames on a soul journey will see a series of signs. This will direct them in the right direction. These are synchronicities that are constantly coming into union.

Awakening happens

As they both come together, there is an awakening that happens for both. As they start to realize that magnetic force. This triggers off fear, doubt and many times and emotional pain.

They will need to work on themselves to release these old wounds and baggage that are accumulated with ego.

This happens when there is so much energy that needs to be released. Twin flames can also bring out this intense energy as well. As they find a way to get past the drama in the heart. There is no way that anything or anyone can separate them

You may ask why would I want to be with my twin flame.

This is why it’s never good to go out searching for a specific type.

We all have destiny pre-planned for our lives in this lifetime. We have free will and we can’t choose our soul love partner. But we do choose how we want our lives to be directed, but when there’s that energetic fall that you have with someone, there is no way that you will be able to resist the feeling or the connection.

Trying to cut ties does not work. It’s all part of a divine process that has to come through in order for you both to heal.

Follow what your heart. Don’t try to put so much emphasis on when and how it will come together. Focus on the love and light inside your heart.

If you have a question about your situation, I do offer one free question.

This goes to the new readers and subscribers to my blog.

Thank you for understanding. Just fill out the form below.